About Us

The green online open-source conference platform for scientists and researchers.

CarbonFreeConf allows you to create online conferences where all participants - presenters, organizers, attendees - are gathered in a virtual classroom. They can then communicate online via audio and video. Each participant can watch the online presentations, and participate interactively, with questions or remarks that can be up-voted by other participants.

Use an open source and collaborative code to run your meetings

Our aim is to create a platform that is useful for researchers and where everyone can contribute to make it more efficient and more suited to the different types of problematics that can be encountered in different fields.

That is why we have decided to make it totally open source and accessible to everyone. One can even use their own servers to run our solution. The ultimate goal is to have a platform that is very easy to use for all researchers across the globe even in some specific fields where the way conferences are prepared or run is not usual.

Everybody can check the entirety of our code here and is free to make changes.

Know more about our open-source code
A nebula in space
Two researchers working together in front of their laptop

Present your research work in an inspiring and responsible way

It is a novel way of bringing our research work to reality, while avoiding the costs of traveling as well as too much carbon emission. Just imagine how much CO2 a single commercial flight releases into the atmosphere? And now 50 or a 100? Attending online conferences can save carbon emissions associated with travelling to meetings, workshops, and schools. Organising virtual conferences will still produce a slight amount of emissions, which you can calculate with our carbon calculator but it is between 100 to 1000 times smaller than for in-person meetings.

We also provide all the tools to make the experience unique and organize your conference as easily as possible by only clicking a few buttons that will create your conference or meeting website, which will be used by your attendees to register or connect to the conference on the big day!

As a conclusion, these online conferences are an efficient way to communicate our research work, save time and money, and most of all, to reduce our carbon footprints!

Launch your Green Meeting Now
One researcher talking to another via videoconferencing on her laptop

Going Virtual: The Benefits of Hosting an Online Conference for Academics and the Environment

As an academic, you are no stranger to the importance of conferences and networking opportunities in advancing your research and career. However, with the current climate situation, traveling for face-to-face conferences is not sustainable. This is where virtual conferences can be a game-changer. By going virtual, you can still engage with the academic community and share your research without incurring the environmental impact of travel.

Virtual conferences are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional, in-person meetings. There are a number of benefits to hosting a virtual conference, including cost savings, increased accessibility, and reduced environmental impact.

One of the biggest advantages of virtual conferences is cost savings. Hosting a virtual conference eliminates the need for expensive travel and lodging expenses for attendees. This can save organizations a significant amount of money, which can be reallocated to other important research initiatives.

Another major benefit of virtual conferences is increased accessibility. With a virtual conference, attendees can participate from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This makes it possible for a wider range of individuals to attend and participate in the conference, including those who may have otherwise been unable to attend an in-person event due to distance, cost, or maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Additionally, virtual conferences have a much lower environmental impact than traditional, in-person meetings. Air travel is a major contributor to carbon emissions, and by hosting a virtual conference, organizations can greatly reduce their carbon footprint.

Finally, virtual conferences are becoming more and more sophisticated, providing a great user experience with interactive features and high-quality video and audio. This allows attendees to fully engage in the conference, regardless of whether they are in the same room or not.

Overall, virtual conferences offer a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional, in-person meetings, while providing an engaging and interactive experience for attendees.

Simulate the Carbon Footprint of your Event
Rows of empty chairs

Online meeting platform for active researchers

There is no download to access the conference room, your participants just go on our website and it's done.

  • You can organize the whole conference from A to Z by yourself or as a team in no time.
  • In the conference room, participants can draw, use a white board, chat, send questions to presenters, send new results on twitter. There are Q&A, polls, the possibility to add handouts, share screen, videos, connect from mobile phones without download...
  • From the information you give us, a complete website with all the required pages is created for your conference.
  • Participants register to your webinar on your conference website, they add their abstract and you can decide to validate the talk/poster/attendance or not.
  • You have an admin interface to add your participants, send emails to them, make your conference program that will be visible on your website.
  • When the conference is over, the participants can write their proceedings (if needed) on our website where we store them and give access to them.
  • You can record the conference that would then be stored on our side and accessible via our website and/or youtube if wanted, which would be a gold mine for researchers in your field and an opportunity for presenters to share their work to a larger audience than usual.
  • You can also upload the slides and/or posters of your attendees and these can be public or private to the rest of the world as chosen by the participants
  • Your attendees can pre-record their talk if needed (e.g. they cannot attend on a specific day).
  • You can ask for a participation fee to your participants (when the conference is not free already) to cover the expenses.
See the pricing options