On the propagation of Covid-19
Conference started on 16/12/2020 and finished on 17/12/2020
Welcome to this conference dedicated to the new covid-19 disease. Together we will look at all the factors that help to propagate the covid-19 virus and how to mitigate them. All researchers working on covid-19 at large are welcome to present their work. We would like to encourage interdisciplinarity to come up with new interesting ideas for the near-future (e.g. vaccines, experiments to carry out, ...).
*The Conference is free for participants
Conference Guidelines
The conference is free and run over two days. The participants should register before the 30th of November. Talks last 20 minutes and poster contributions are also welcome. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need more information.
Map of the conference
(You can join the different rooms by clicking on their respective names or access posters if there are any).