SPHERE+ Progress Meeting #1 (voir le site web de la conférence)

Astronomy | 18/06/2021 -23/06/2021 | Organisé par Gael Chauvin |

The goal of the "SPHERE+ Progress Meeting - June 2021" is to organize in June a two half-days, remote meeting, with the full consortium in order to inform all of us about the status of the project and to keep the momentum ahead of the actual Kick Off. This meeting will take the form of a Progress Meeting with a few sessions on the main topics (Management, AO design/challenges, Medres design/perf, etc…), and with sufficient room for discussion.


Gael Chauvin (Organizer,Talk) > Introductory Talk

Quentin Kral (Attendance only) > Attendance only

Anthony Boccaletti (Organizer,Talk) > SPHERE+ management

Posters : Non | Enregistrement : Non | Actes de conférences : Non | Nombre de participants : 100-300 people

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