Comparison between laboratory reflectance spectroscopy and simulated unresolved observations of primitive small bodies (voir le site web de la conférence)

Astrophysics | 04/10/2021 | Organisé par CarbonFree Conf | Voir les enregistrements

Reflectance spectroscopy is a common tool used to retrieve physical and mineralogical information on Solar System planetary bodies. However, the reflectance spectrum of a surface depends on several parameters, including the illumination condition and observing geometry. The observed reflectance of small bodies is generally compared to laboratory measurements of meteoritic samples or terrestrial analogues to assess the composition and alteration history of the target’s surface. Laboratory measurements are performed in a controlled environment, where the composition and texture of the sample are known and the illumination and observing geometry is fixed. However, if the spectroscopic observations of the small body are unresolved, its reflectance is integrated over the whole observed surface, which averages spatial compositional and textural heterogeneities and changes in the illumination and observation geometries due to both the shape of the object and the topography of its surface (slopes, craters, …). First I will highlight the effects of the illumination and observation geometry on the reflectance spectra of meteorites. Then I will compare reflectance spectra acquired in the laboratory and simulated unresolved observations of small bodies. Finally, I will discuss the limits of the comparison between meteorites and small bodies.


CarbonFree Conf (Organizer,Talk) > Introductory Talk

Sandra Potin (Talk) > Comparison between laboratory reflectance spectroscopy and simulated unresolved observations of primitive small bodies

Philippe Thebault (Program committee member,Attendance only) > Your title

Posters : Non | Enregistrement : Oui | Actes de conférences : Non | Nombre de participants : 10-50 people

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