
Boosting Engagement: Strategies for Planning Dynamic Discussions at Academic Conferences

Discussion: Set things right from the very beginning

Planning a lively discussion at an academic conference can be a challenge, but with the right strategy, you can create a dynamic and engaging experience for your attendees. Here are some tips to help you plan a lively discussion at your next academic conference:

  1. Define your goals: Before you start planning your discussion, take some time to define your goals. What do you want to achieve through this discussion? Are you looking to foster collaboration, generate new ideas, or simply encourage attendees to network? Knowing your goals will help you design a discussion that is tailored to your specific needs.
  2. Choose the right format: The format of your discussion will play a critical role in its success. Consider hosting a panel discussion, a roundtable discussion, or a fishbowl discussion to keep your attendees engaged (see down below those different options discussed).
  3. Select the right moderators: The moderators of your discussion will help set the tone and keep the conversation moving. Look for moderators who are knowledgeable and experienced, and who can keep the discussion focused and on-topic (which may not be easy when too many participants give input).
  4. Encourage participation: The key to a lively discussion is participation. Encourage your attendees to share their ideas and perspectives, and consider using tools like Q&A sessions and interactive polls to keep the conversation flowing.
  5. Everyone should be able to participate equally: Ensuring all voices are heard is crucial in fostering an inclusive and equitable environment in discussions. This can be achieved through various means such as assigning a facilitator who can manage the flow of conversation, and establishing clear guidelines for speaking and listening. Encouraging attendees to listen actively and providing them with opportunities to ask questions and share their perspectives can also help. Additionally, providing equal airtime to participants and avoiding domination by any one individual or group can enhance the inclusiveness of the discussion, leading to a more meaningful and productive discussion.
  6. Prepare your attendees: Provide your attendees with all the information they need to prepare for the discussion. Share the discussion topics, format, and any other relevant details in advance so that they can come prepared with questions and ideas to contribute. This is key!
  7. Create an interactive environment if the discussion is virtual: An interactive environment is essential for a lively discussion. Use technology like video conferencing, virtual whiteboards, and chat rooms to keep your attendees engaged and connected.
  8. Debrief after the discussion: After the discussion, take time to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved. Ask for feedback from your attendees, and consider incorporating their suggestions into your future discussions.

By following these tips, you can plan a lively discussion that will leave a lasting impact on your attendees. Whether you're looking to foster collaboration, generate new ideas, or simply encourage attendees to network, a well-planned discussion can be a valuable addition to your academic conference.

Choose the right type of discussion

Dynamic discussions can be achieved through strategies such encouraging active participation, and selecting a suitable format (e.g. panel, roundtable, or fishbowl).

Panel discussions

Panel discussions are a type of conversation between several experts or professionals in a specific field, often moderated by a facilitator. The purpose of a panel discussion is to engage in a dialogue about a particular topic or issue and explore different perspectives, opinions and experiences. Panel discussions provide a platform for attendees to learn from and engage with experts, and can also serve as an opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

Roundtable Discussions

Roundtable discussions are similar to panel discussions, but they are more informal and interactive. In a roundtable discussion, attendees are seated around a table, and the facilitator leads the conversation. The purpose of a roundtable discussion is to encourage open discussion and collaboration between participants. This type of discussion allows attendees to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences on a particular topic, and provides an opportunity for attendees to engage with one another in a more intimate setting.

Fishbowl Discussions

Fishbowl discussions are a type of discussion that encourages active participation from all attendees. The purpose of a fishbowl discussion is to allow for open and inclusive conversation about a particular topic or issue. In this type of discussion, a group of participants sits in the center of the room and engages in conversation, while other attendees observe and listen. The outer circle of attendees can later join the inner circle as the discussion progresses, allowing everyone to participate. Fishbowl discussions are a great way to engage attendees in a collaborative and inclusive conversation, and provide an opportunity for attendees to share their thoughts and ideas with one another.

And for a virtual setting?

For a virtual conference, the format of the discussion will largely depend on the goals, audience, and topic of the discussion. However, given the limitations of virtual platforms, some formats may be more suitable than others.

A panel discussion can still be effectively utilized in a virtual setting, allowing attendees to engage with experts and learn from their perspectives. Roundtable discussions can also be adapted for virtual conferences by creating breakout rooms where attendees can engage in smaller, more intimate conversations. Fishbowl discussions may be more challenging in a virtual setting due to the difficulties in fostering active participation among all attendees.

Interactive polls and surveys: Incorporating interactive polls and surveys during the discussion can help to gauge attendees' opinions and gather valuable insights on the topic being discussed.

Breakout rooms are an effective tool for promoting engagement and interaction in virtual discussions. Here are some ways to maximize their potential:

  1. Assign specific discussion topics: Assign specific discussion topics to each breakout room to help drive focused conversations and meaningful engagement among attendees.
  2. Encourage collaboration: Encourage attendees to collaborate and work together on projects or problem-solving activities within the breakout rooms to drive collaboration and exchange of ideas.
  3. Provide a time limit: Establish a time limit for each breakout session to help keep the discussion on track and focused.
  4. Encourage peer-to-peer learning: Encourage attendees to share their knowledge and expertise within the breakout rooms to facilitate peer-to-peer learning and exchange of ideas.
  5. Facilitate virtual networking: Utilize breakout rooms as an opportunity for attendees to network and build relationships with one another, just as they would in a physical setting.

By incorporating these strategies, breakout rooms can be an effective tool for fostering meaningful engagement and interaction in virtual discussions, helping to drive the exchange of ideas and facilitate learning.

In a virtual setting, it is important to consider the platform being used and to choose a format that will effectively facilitate engagement and interaction among attendees. Additionally, clear and concise communication, effective moderation, and opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas are also crucial in ensuring a successful virtual conference discussion.

In conclusion, panel discussions, roundtable discussions, and fishbowl discussions are all effective ways to encourage conversation and engagement among attendees at academic conferences. Each type of discussion provides unique benefits, and choosing the right one depends on the setting (virtual Vs. in-person), the topic being discussed, the audience, and the goals of the conference. Regardless of the type of discussion chosen, it is important to properly plan and facilitate the discussion to ensure its success.

—L'équipe CarbonFreeConf

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