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Il y a un total de 12 posters.

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Strongly-accreting protostars in the era of SPIRou and GRAVITY

Evelyne Alecian - Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG (CNRS scientist)

Poster 1

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Caractériser la limite stellaire-substellaire : un premier pas vers une meilleure compréhension de ces astres révélés par Gaia.

Ficot Audrey - Université Lyon1/Institut UTINAM Observatoire de Besançon

Poster 2

Présentes en très grand nombre dans la Voie lactée, les naines ultra-froides restent toutefois mal connues, de par leur physique et leur atmosphère complexe avec la formation et sédimentation de poussières, et leur faible luminosité rendant leur observation difficile. La compréhension de ces astres est particulièrement intéressante puisqu'ils font le lien entre les étoiles et les naines brunes. Le satellite Gaia permet pour la première fois de détecter ces astres grâce à l'astrométrie et pas seulement la photométrie. Plusieurs dizaines de milliers ont ainsi été révélés, dont plus de 200 à moins de 30 pc. Le suivi spectroscopique des objets …


In search for red giants' internal magnetic field

Lisa Bugnet - Flatiron Institute (Postdoc)

Poster 4

One of the “legacy" results of the Kepler mission is the interestingly low rotation rate of the core of subgiant (SG) and red giant (RG) stars, which is about 10 times lower than predicted with the current theory for the transport of angular momentum by purely hydrodynamical mechanisms. This discrepancy points out an order of magnitude issue concerning the understanding of the evolution of the stellar angular momentum in evolved Solar-like stars, a very ubiquitous problem shared by stars of all types and ages. The recent discovery of very low-amplitude dipolar oscillations in a significant fraction of the observed SGs …


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Seismic diagnosis for rapidly rotating g-mode upper-main-sequence pulsators: the combined effects of the centrifugal acceleration and differential rotation

Hachem Dhouib - CEA Saclay (PhD student)

Poster 5

Space-based asteroseismology has revolutionised our understanding of stellar structure, evolution, mixing, and rotation. In particular, intermediate-mass, main-sequence g-mode pulsators like gamma-Dor and slowly pulsating B-type (SPB) stars allow us to probe rotation and mixing at their convective core/radiative envelope interface with a high precision. This constitutes a gold mine for our global understanding of stellar rotation and related mixing. To fully exploit the information that is provided by detected g-mode pulsations, it is crucial to improve our understanding of how stellar rotation influences g-modes in rapidly rotating stars for which the action of the Coriolis and the centrifugal accelerations have …


Zeeman-Doppler Imaging of two hot stars

Laurane Fréour - Paris Observatory (Research intern)

Poster 6

Authors: Laurane Fréour, Coralie Neiner and Colin Folsom

Magnetic fields are known to exist in about 10% of hot stars on the main sequence. High-resolution data and the increase in computing power have enabled the development of new methods to map and characterize stars. Zeeman-Doppler-Imaging (ZDI) is one of them and allows to determine the magnetic topology at the stellar surface. Through a modelling of the intensity and polarized line profiles, ZDI aims at reconstructing the vectorial magnetic field at the stellar surface.
We have acquired high resolution spectropolarimetric observations for two hot stars: V352Peg, a main sequence Bp star, …


Properties of the ionisation glitch : insights from a ionisation region modeling

Pierre Houdayer - Observatoire de Paris / LESIA (PhD student)

Poster 7

    For solar-like oscillating stars, the determination of fundamental parameters can be subject to many biases such as the mass-helium degeneracy. An independent helium estimate is then needed and may be obtained by exploiting the so-called ionisation glitch. Caused by a local structural fluctuation, this deviation of the oscillation frequencies from an asymptotic pattern appears to be a promising indicator of the helium abundance in the outer layers of the star. However, although progressively becoming more sophisticated, current approaches for modeling glitches face problems such as the need for calibration by realistic stellar models. Accordingly, a physical model of the …


The Ca ii resonance doublet and Halpha fluxes as a function of stellar radius: Indications for a transition in dynamo modes between 0.500R⊙ and 0.330R⊙.

Eric Houdebine - IRAP/Armagh Observatory (Visiting Astronomer Emeritus)

Poster 8

We measure the Ca II H & K and H line equivalenth widths from13815 high resolution spectra
in 752 M dwarfs from spectral sub-types M0.5 to M8.3. We plot the surface fluxes of these lines
as a function of stellar radius (from Houdebine et al. 2019) and find that there is an important
decrease between 0.500R⊙ and 0.330R⊙. The amplitude of this decrease is a factor of 5.6 in the
Ca ii lines for our sub-sample of low activity M dwarfs. Similar patterns are observed for our
sub-sample of Me dwarfs, but with a somewhat smaller amplitude of 2.8. These …


Your title

Rajeev Manick - IPAG (Postdoc)

Poster 9

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tessipack: An interactive python based tool to find stellar variability from TESS FFIs.

Dinil Bose Palakkatharappil - Université Côte d'Azur, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France (PhD student)

Poster 10

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a NASA all-sky survey mission. The Full Frame Images (FFI) from TESS cover 85% of the sky with 10 and 30 minutes cadence. The light curve from the FFI can be used for studies of astrophysical phenomena such as exoplanets, binaries, supernovae etc. We developed a graphics-based python tool that combines various available pipelines (Eleanor and LightKurve) to generate a light curve from the FFI. With this tool, one can interactively inspect the target pixel files and select aperture pixels to generate a light curve, particularly useful from a crowded region. Aperture selection helps …


Science with CUBES: example of Be in stars of solar metallicity

Mathieu Van der Swaelmen - OAA

Poster 11

CUBES is a future UV spectrograph that will be mounted at ESO/VLT. Working in the UV band at a medium resolution of 20000, it will allow numerous science cases. I present here simulations to assess the determination of Be abundances in dwarf stars with atmospheric parameters and metallicity close to those of the Sun. I briefly highlight the importance of Be in stellar physics.

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Light and neutron-capture elements with WEAVE

Mathieu Van der Swaelmen - OAA

Poster 12

WEAVE is an ongoing mid- (5000) and high-resolution (20000) multi-fibres (1000) spectroscopic survey. Operated at WHT on La Palma, the galactic archaeology sub-survey aims at mapping the kinematics and the chemistry of the stellar components of the Milky Way. Observing with two possible grating configurations (Blue+Red or Green+Red), it gives access to numerous atomic and molecular absorption features. We present the pipeline AROpalines designed to measure abundances of light (C, N, O) and neutron-capture elements for FGK main-sequence and giant stars. As an example of the science case possible at such a resolution of 20000, we discuss some results obtained …


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