
Il y a un total de 15 résumés.

1) Les premières étapes des proto-étoiles de type solaire: la preuve manquante de grandes chaînes de carbone

Eleonora Bianchi - Univ. Grenoble Alpes, IPAG (Postdoc)


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Les premières étapes des proto-étoiles de type solaire: la preuve manquante de grandes chaînes de carbone

Eleonora Bianchi

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France

La formation d'un système planétaire de type solaire est caractérisée par plusieurs processus physiques qui commencent par l'effondrement d'un noyau préstellaire froid (~ 10 K) et dense (> 105 cm-3) et la formation d'une proto-étoile, un disque proto-planétaire et, éventuellement, un système planétaire. Ces étapes s'accompagnent …


2) Un relevé systématique des pulsars de l’hémisphère nord à basses fréquences avec NenuFAR

Mark Brionne - LPC2E (PhD student)


    Bien que les premiers pulsars aient été trouvés autour de 85 MHz, la majorité des pulsars actuellement connus ont été découverts essentiellement à des fréquences supérieures à 300 MHz. Or depuis une dizaine d’années, grâce à une nouvelle génération de radiotélescopes, il est maintenant possible de détecter un grand nombre de pulsars à des fréquences de plus en plus basses. Cependant, en dessous d’environ 100 MHz, le spectre des pulsars tend souvent …


3) Observations of shock propagation through turbulent plasma in the solar corona

Eoin Carley - Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (Postdoc)


Eruptive activity in the solar corona can often lead to the propagation of shock waves. In the radio domain the primary signature of such shocks are type II radio bursts, observed in dynamic spectra as bands of emission slowly drifting towards lower frequencies over time. These radio bursts can sometimes have inhomogeneous and fragmented fine structure, but the cause of this fine structure is currently unclear. Here we observe a type II radio burst on …


4) Relativistic jets from the new black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1348-630

Francesco Carotenuto - Université de Paris / CEA-Saclay (PhD student)


Black hole X-ray binaries in outburst are able to launch powerful radio-emitting outflows, either in the form of compact and collimated jets, or in spectacular, often apparently superluminal, plasma bubbles. Radio observations of these systems are fundamental, as they allow us to study the evolution of jets on human timescales, making it possible to unveil the mechanisms that link accretion and ejection in compact objects. We present MeerKAT radio observations of the discovery outburst of …


5) Futurs développements et gestion de l'énergie : un point de vue analogique

benjamin censier - CNRS/Station de radioastronomie de Nançay (Engineer)


La construction de la phase I de SKA est lancée, mais les besoins en développement restent importants.
En témoigne le document récent publié par le SKA office définissant un programme de développement ambitieux qui débouchera sur des appels d'offre dès 2022.
Ce document insiste notamment sur le besoin de réduction des couts opérationnels et de construction, un objectif semblant raisonnable dans un contexte de crise économique, énergétique et environnementale en cours.                  
La consommation …


6) Science with SKA and Precursors

Francoise Combes - Observatoire de Paris (Professor)

Invited Talk

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 I will present highlights about the science to be done with SKA, and also the science already done with its precursors (MeerKAT, ASKAP) and pathfinders (LOFAR, NenuFAR), with accent put on the expected breakthroughs.

7) Jets from the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070

Mathilde Espinasse - Université de Paris / CEA Saclay (PhD student)


Jets and outflows are observed in a diverse range of accreting systems such as young stellar objects, galactic X-ray binaries and active galatic nuclei (AGN). The formation of jets, their propagation and their association with accretion processes are still largely unclear. However, their feedback on their immediate environment is now starting to be quantified, as their interaction with the interstellar medium can be observed using high spatial resolution images of X-ray binaries. Here, we report …


9) Large scale 21cm signal predictions at Cosmic Dawn

Nicolas Gillet - Observatoire de Strasbourg (Postdoc)


The process of heating and reionization of the Universe at high redshift links small-scale structures/galaxy formation and large-scale inter-galactic medium properties. Even if the first one is difficult to observe, an observation window is opening on the second one, with the promising development of current and future radio telescopes. They will permit to observe the 21cm brightness temperature global signal and fluctuations. The need for large-scale simulations is therefore strong to understand the properties of …


10) Capturing and representing the shape of MeerKAT L-band beams with holography

Julien Girard - AIM, CEA Paris Saclay, Université de Paris (Associate Professor)


South Africa’s SKA-MID precursor MeerKAT has begun its science operations. To make full use of the widefield capability of the array, we need accurate primary beam models. Following our previous work carried on the VLA (Iheanetu, Girard et al., 2019), and with the help of full-polarization ‘astro-holographic’ observations, we have studied three antennas in the L-band and a generic electromagnetic simulation based from the antenna design. By performing spatial and spectral decompositions of the …


11) Automatic scheduling of radio observations

Alan Loh - LESIA - Observatoire de Paris (Research Engineer)


Currently in the 'Early Science' phase, the new low-frequency radiotelescope NenuFAR is managed thanks to a dedicated web interface. Observation requests are sent by the scientists involved in the 12 active Key Science Programs. Observing time allocation, which is done manually twice a year, is a difficult problem to solve for. In order to ease the observation planning process, as well as anticipating the opening of the telescope to the whole community, we have developed …


12) Exploring the Cosmic Dawn with NenuFAR

Florent Mertens - LERMA (Postdoc)


The exploration of the Cosmic Dawn, the period of the Universe during which the first stars and galaxies were formed, is one of the last frontiers of modern astronomy and cosmology. The redshifted 21-cm line emission from neutral hydrogen is a unique probe and can open this era for astrophysical and cosmological studies. The tentative detection of the 21-cm global signal by the EDGES team at z~ 17 underlines the need for an interferometric detection …


13) The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: wide and deep componants

Cyril Tasse - Observatoire de Paris (Lecturer)


The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an ongoing sensitive, high-resolution 120-168MHz survey of the entire northern sky. LoTSS has a source density approximately 10 times higher than the most sensitive existing very wide-area radio-continuum surveys and we have already catalogued over 4,000,000 radio sources making it the largest survey to date. In this talk I will describe the current status of the survey and outline what can be expected from LoTSS in the near …


14) Free-falling with the pulsar in a triple stellar system PSR J0337+1715

Guillaume Voisin - LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University - CNRS (Chargé de recherche)

Invited Talk

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Universality of free fall, famously depicted by Galileo's letting down various masses from the top of Pisa's tower, is a cornerstone of General Relativity to the extent that any alternative theory of gravity would almost certainly break that principle. This is why it is being tested by ever more sensitive experiments in the Solar system, such as the recent Microscope satellite.

However accurate might these experiments be, they can only probe the regime of gravitational …


15) NenuFAR : SKA pathfinder at low frequencies

Philippe Zarka - Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, PSL (Senior scientist)

Invited Talk

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NenuFAR is a new, large low-frequency radio telescope, the construction and commissioning of which approaches completion at the Nançay Radioastronomy Observatory. It has started to provide high sensitivity observations in the range 10-85 MHz. NenuFAR’s 1938 dual polarization antennas are connected to a suite of receivers allowing the instrument to operate, simultaneously if needed, in 4 distinct modes: as a standalone beamformer, a standalone imager, a waveform snapshot recorder, and a giant low-frequency station of …