
Il y a un total de 11 résumés.

1) Investigation of energy conversion processes and wave activity related to dipolarization fronts observed by MMS.

Soboh ALQEEQ - CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP) (Doctorant)


Photo de profil

In the present work, we consider four dipolarization front (DF) events detected by MMS spacecraft in the Earth’s magnetotail during a substorm on 23rd of July 2017 between 16:05 and 17:19 UT. From their ion scale properties, we show that these four DF events embedded in fast Earthward plasma flows have classical signatures with increases of Bz, velocity and temperature and a decrease of density across the DF. We compute and compare current densities obtained …


2) Vers la simulation et l'observation globale de la reconnexion magnétique dans la magnétosphère terrestre

nicolas aunai - LPP/CNRS (Lecturer)

Invited Talk

La reconnexion magnétique est un processus plasma universel. Elle peut d'une part de changer le transport global du plasma dans un système en lui permettant de s'écouler au travers de frontières magnétiques autrement étanches. D'autre part, elle peut libérer l'énergie magnétique stockée dans l'évolution idéale du système sous forme cinétique et thermique. Se déroulant dans de très nombreux environnements astrophysique, elle est en particulier un mécanisme clé du fonctionnement des magnétosphères et de leur couplage …


3) Effets des particules émise par reconnexion magnétique sur les disques d'accrétion d'étoiles jeunes

Valentin Brunn - LUPM (PhD student)


La reconnexion magnétique est l'un des principaux moteurs des processus d'accélération de particules dans les plasmas spatiaux et astrophysiques. Les particules supra-thermiques de basse énergie, émises par reconnexion magnétique sont une source d'ionisation pour les disques circumstellaires, influençant leur évolution chimique, thermique et dynamique. Ce travail a pour objectif d'étudier comment les particules énergétiques peuvent se propager dans le disque circumstellaire d’une étoile TTauri et comment elles affectent la fraction d'ionisation du plasma. Pour ce faire, nous …


4) The structure of a perturbed magnetic reconnection electron diffusion region

Giulia Cozzani - Swedish Institute of Space Physics IRF Uppsala (Postdoc)


This study presents Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) in situ observations of an electron diffusion region (EDR) and adjacent separatrix region in the Earth’s magnetotail. The electron diffusion region is a key constituent of the magnetic reconnection process since it is the region where both electrons and ions are demagnetised and the magnetic topology change is enabled. During the diffusion region crossing, we observe significant magnetic field oscillations near the lower hybrid frequency which propagate perpendicularly to …


5) Variable accretion/ejection processes in young stellar objects

Catherine Dougados - Institut de planétologie et d'astrophysique de grenoble IPAG (CNRS/UGA) (directrice de recherches)

Invited Talk

In this talk, I will review current observational constraints on the variability of accretion/ejection processes in young stellar objects.

6) Modelling magnetar formation

Jérôme Guilet - CEA Saclay (Chercheur)

Invited Talk

The birth of a neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field, called a magnetar, is a promising scenario to power a variety of outstanding explosive events. This includes gamma-ray bursts, supernovae with extreme kinetic energies called hypernovae and super-luminous supernovae. Magnetars are also responsible for at least some of the enigmatic fast radio bursts. The origin of these extreme magnetic fields with a dipolar component of the order of 10^15 Gauss remains, however, uncertain. …


7) A systematic study of HXR flares and Metric type III radio bursts between 2002 and 2015

Tomin James - Observatoire de Paris (Postdoc)


Photo de profil

Solar flares are very efficient particle accelerators on a short timescale. The X-ray and type III radio emission emitted during a flare are direct signatures of the accelerated electrons. Hard X-rays are emitted from the accelerated electrons through bremsstrahlung radiation primarily in the dense atmosphere, while type III emissions are caused by the accelerated electrons propagating through the upper corona where they produce Langmuir waves which then converts to radio emission near the local plasma …


8) Analyse multi-échelle d'une couche de courant détectée au sein d'un jet de plasma par MMS pendant une période de sous-orage

Olivier Le Contel - CNRS (researcher)


En juillet 2017, MMS évoluait dans la queue géomagnétique avec un apogée de 25 rayons terrestres et une séparation moyenne entre satellites de 10 km (échelle du rayon de giration des électrons). Le 23 juillet vers 16:19 TU, MMS située  sur le bord externe de la couche de plasma  a détecté le déclenchement local d'un sous-orage (AE~ 400 nT). Un écoulement rapide de plasma a été enregistré pendant environ  1 heure débutant avec un régime …


9) Solar coronal activity combining observations and modelling

Sophie Masson - Observatoire de Paris

Invited Talk

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process for efficient energy release in magnetised astrophysical objects. Solar energetic and eruptive activity result from magnetic reconnection. A common goal is to understand how solar eruptive events are initiated and triggered and how does magnetic reconnection affect, if not control, such explosive and rapid phenomena. Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the solar corona allow us to investigate the dynamics of solar eruption.  However, solar corona dynamics evolve on 10 …


10) Simulations of radio-wave anisotropic scattering to interpret type III radio bursts measurements by Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, STEREO and Wind

Sophie Musset - ESA/ESTEC (Research Fellow)


With the launches of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, we can study
radio burst emission observed from multiple vantage points in the
heliosphere. We present here the first simultaneous observations of
single type III radio bursts by four different spacecraft. These
observations are used to calculate the directivity and the source
position of the radio emission. These measurements are compared to the
predictions of radio-wave propagation simulations in which the
radio-wave scattering on turbulent …


11) Flare forecasting through data assimilation in "sandpile" avalanche models

Christian Thibeault - Université de Montréal (PhD student)


Sandpile models are lattice-based statistical/computational frameworks offering a powerful approach to the modelling of complex natural phenomena encompassing a range of scales too wide to be accommodated by more conventional methods. In this talk I will first briefly review the use of sandpile models to capture the statistical behavior of solar flares, and in particular the observed spatiotemporally intermittent and scale-free pattern of energy release, as avalanches of localized magnetic reconnection events. I will then …