
Il y a un total de 16 résumés.

1) Constraining baryonic processes in galaxy groups with observations of the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effects

Stefania Amodeo - CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (Postdoc)


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The thermodynamic properties of the ionized baryons in galaxies, groups, and clusters encode the effects of the assembly history and feedback processes that shape galaxy and cluster formation. These properties can be studied through the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effects imprinted on high resolution maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). I will review new SZ observations (Schaan, Ferraro, Amodeo et al. 2021) from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope DR5 and Planck in combination with …


2) Mapping turbulent and bulk motions in the intra-cluster medium with the X-IFU instrument on board Athena

Sophie Beaumont - IRAP/GSFC (PhD student)


The Athena/X-IFU instrument will deliver X-ray spectroscopy data with an unprecedent spatial and spectral resolution. Those capabilities will enable studies beyond the reach of the current and upcoming generations of X-ray spectrometers. With X-IFU spatially resolved high resolution spectroscopy we will look into the assembly of the matter largest halos, groups and clusters of galaxies. In this work we focus on the ability of the X-IFU to characterize bulk and turbulence motions in the intra-cluster …


3) Star-forming galaxies at z=1 with high dark-matter fractions and core dark-matter profiles

Nicolas Bouche - CRAL (Researcher)


The question of the DM content in SFGs often relies on either deep Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) data or stacking analyses.

Alternatively, one can use a 3D (parametric) modelling approach on the 3D data in order to measure accurately the rotation curves of SFGs in the outskirts.

Here, we combine the deepest (140hr) observations of z=1 SFGs in the 140hr MUSE eXtremely Deep Field with a 3D disc-halo decomposition performed on the nebular emission line …


4) Shape and connectivity of clusters: Impact of dynamical state and accretion history

GOUIN CELINE - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Postdoc)

Invited Talk

Matter distribution around clusters is highly anisotropic from their being the nodes of the cosmic web. Clusters' shape and the number of filaments they are connected to, i.e., their connectivity, should reflect the level of anisotropy in the matter distribution and must be, in principle, related to their physical properties.In this presentation, I investigate the influence of the dynamical state and the formation history on both the shape and local connectivity of about 2400 groups and clusters of galaxies from the …


5) les prospectives des futurs relevés du ciel

Herve Dole - Université Paris-Saclay (Pr)

Invited Talk

les prospectives des futurs relevés du ciel

6) Characterizing the bulk and turbulent gas motions in galaxy clusters.

Simon Dupourqué - IRAP (PhD student)


The most massive halos of matter in the Universe grow via accretion and merger events throughout cosmic times. These violent processes generate shocks at many scales and induce large scale bulk and turbulent motions. These inject kinetic energy at large scales, which is transported to the viscous dissipation scales, contributing to the overall heating and virialisation of the halo, and acting as a source of non-thermal pressure in the intra-cluster medium.  Characterizing the physical properties …


7) Jellyfish galaxies in MACS J0717.5+3745 and their link to the cosmic web

Florence Durret - IAP (Dr)


Galaxies in clusters undergo several phenomena such as ram pressure stripping and tidal interactions, that can trigger or quench their star formation and, in some cases, lead to galaxies acquiring unusual shapes and long tails, such as jellyfish galaxies. A dynamical study of these objects shows that some are infalling galaxies, i.e. falling into the cluster for the first time from the cosmic web, and some are backsplash galaxies, that have already crossed the cluster …


8) Models for dark matter core formation induced by feedback

Jonathan Freundlich - Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (Postdoc)


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Cold dark matter numerical simulations predict steep, 'cuspy' density profiles for dark matter halos, while observations favour shallower 'cores'. The introduction of baryonic physics in simulations alleviates this discrepancy, notably as feedback-driven outflow episodes contribute to expanding the dark matter distribution. I will present different theoretical models describing core formation in dark matter haloes. In the first one, small stochastic density fluctuations induced by stellar feedback in the interstellar medium dynamically heat up the halo, …


9) Galaxy evolution in the metric of the Cosmic web

Katarina Kraljic - LAM

Invited Talk

The matter distribution in the Universe follows a spectacular web-like structure consisting of voids, walls, filaments and nodes, naturally defining the environment in which galaxies form and evolve across cosmic time. That certain galaxy properties correlate with environment has been known since several decades. However, focus has typically been on groups and clusters, providing thus only a partial description of the environmental influence on galaxies. It has therefore become of key importance to address the …


10) Beyond halo mass: quenching galaxy mass assembly at the edge of filaments

Clotilde Laigle - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (astronome-adjoint)


We examine how the mass assembly of central galaxies depends on their  location in the cosmic web. The HORIZON-AGN simulation is analysed at z=2 using the DISPERSE code to extract multi-scale cosmic filaments. We  find that the dependency of galaxy properties on large-scale environment is mostly inherited from the (large-scale) environmental dependency of  their host halo mass. When adopting a residual analysis that removes the  host halo mass effect, we detect a direct and non-negligible …


11) Introductory Talk

Julien Malzac - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse (Chercheur CNRS)


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I will kickstart the conference!

12) Morpho-kinematics of galaxies in various environments at z ∼ 0.2 − 1.5 with MUSE

Wilfried Mercier - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP) (PhD student)


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I will present an ongoing study of the impact of the environment on the morphological and kinematical properties of intermediate redshift galaxies (0.25 ≤ z ≤ 1.5) with the use of combined HST and MUSE data. We use the latest MUSE-GTO observations of 17 different fields in the COSMOS area from the MAGIC survey to build a sample of roughly 600 resolved galaxies, within target structures, as well as in their foreground and background, allowing …


13) Cosmological simulations of the same spiral galaxy: connecting the dark matter distribution of the host halo with the subgrid baryonic physics.

Arturo Nunez - CEA, Saclay. Universite de Paris (Postdoc)


Baryonic processes like star formation and stellar feedback are highly debated topics in galaxy formation and are of paramount importance for dark matter phenomenology and detection. We aim at illustrating the uncertainties introduced by the baryonic physics in the dark matter distribution of a Milky Way sized halo. To this end, we study the dark matter halo's morphology, geometry and mass profile as well as its phase-space distribution in the high-resolution Mochima cosmological simulations (A …


14) Large-scale structure results from the eROSITA performance verification phase

Florian Pacaud - University of Bonn (Lecturer)


The SRG satellite was launched in July 2019, carrying on-board the new soft X-ray instrument eROSITA. The eROSITA All-Sky Survey (eRASS) is well underway, with three of its eight sky coverages already completed. Before the start of the survey, the ability of the satellite to map large areas and study large-scale structures was tested with several performance verification programs, most notably the 120 deg2 eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS) and a 15 deg2 map …


15) From galaxies to the cosmic web: IllustrisTNG and the others, as of 2021

Annalisa Pillepich - MPIA Heidelberg (Staff/Group Leader)

Invited Talk

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I will give a brief overview of the state of the art of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations for galaxy formation that aim at resolving and modelling the inner structural details of thousands of galaxies while simultaneously following the evolution and dynamics of the inter-stellar, circum-galactic and inter-galactic media, and thus of the large scale structure of the Universe. I will focus on the IllustrisTNG project and compare its outcome to those from other numerical projects, with …


16) Where feedback fails: a morphology-dependent stellar-to-halo mass relation

Lorenzo Posti - Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (Postdoc)


It is widely understood that massive galaxies use, throughout the Hubble time, only a small fraction of the baryons associated to their dark matter halos to form stars. Such low baryon-to-stars conversion efficiencies are expected in galaxy formation scenarios where merging and AGN feedback play key roles in regulating star formation in galaxies at the high-mass end. However, not all massive galaxies are quenched, especially in low density environments.

In this talk I will show …