
Il y a un total de 40 résumés.

1) Contraindre la masse des disques protoplanétaires par la migration planétaire et la dérive des poussières

Clément Baruteau - CNRS/IRAP


Photo de profil

L’émission des disques protoplanétaires présente une grande diversité de structures qui semblent témoigner de la présence de planètes en formation dans leur disque. Malgré une moisson d’observations de grande qualité, notamment grâce à ALMA, la masse des disques protoplanétaires reste difficile à quantifier, que ce soit par l’émission des poussières ou du gaz. Dans cette communication, je présenterai une nouvelle idée pour contraindre la masse des disques dont la structure de l’émission suggère la présence …


2) Predictions on giant planet formation constrains from the analysis of compact disc observations and exoplanets' distribution

Camille Bergez-Casalou - LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon (Postdoc)


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Recent protoplanetary disc observations at high resolution, like in the DSHARP survey, have brought insights on the environment in which planets form. On the other hand, numerical simulations have the capacity to implement more and more complicated physics in our planet formation models. In this talk, I will present the results from two of our studies: first, we investigated how the potential natal disc of the Solar System could be seen if it was observed …


3) Les exocomètes (FEBs) dans le disque de Beta Pictoris à la lumière des deux planètes Beta Pic b & c

Hervé Beust - Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble


Les jeunes systèmes planétaires sont constitués de planètes, de petits corps, de poussières et de gaz circumstellaire. Les planètes sont détectées par les méthodes habituelles directes ou indirectes; les poussières sont détectées en lumière diffusée et en émission thermique et constituent la partie visible des disques de débris; le gaz circumstellaire est détecté par spectroscopie lorsque l'orientation du disque est favorable. Les petits corps (exocomètes, astéroïdes...) ne sont jamais observés directement, mais leur présence est …


4) Coronagraphic MIRI/JWST imaging of the multiple-planets HR8799’s system

Anthony Boccaletti - LESIA, Paris Observatory - PSL


As direct imaging is making progress, more multiple planetary systems are being discovered, the characterization of which provides constraints on their architecture. Among these, the famous HR8799 system occupies a special place as it was the first multiple system imaged and is composed of at least 4 young giant planets in resonant configuration, and a debris disk arranged in several belts. HR8799 has been extensively observed from the ground with extreme AO at near IR …


5) Non-transiting planets around solar-type pulsators: first results, challenges, and perspectives

Sylvain Breton - INAF - Osservatorio astrofisico di Catania (Chercheur postdoctoral)


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Because of the wealth of informations related to atmospheric dynamics and tidal interactions they contain, non-transiting exoplanets phase-curve modulations have an important potential for spatial photometric and spectroscopic surveys, in optical and infrared wavelength. Although the analysis of data obtained from transiting systems has been widely privileged over the past decades, granting the additional knowledge transits and eclipses are able to provide, the characterisation of non-transiting exoplanets is a challenge that needs to be undertaken …


6) Planetary formation & exoplanets directly imaged and studied across ESO facilities & JWST

Gael Chauvin - French Chilean Lab for Astronomy (Dr)

Invited Talk

I will come back to a rich decade of transformative exploration of young planetary systems and exoplanets, directly imaged and studied across ESO facilities & more recently with JWST. Planetary formation signatures are now regularly observed with high spatial resolution and scattered-light images with ALMA and VLT, respectively. They reveal that most disks possess small-scale substructures in the form of rings, gaps, spirals, arcs, or shadows. Detailed kinematic studies of ALMA observations show that deviations …


7) Constraining atmospheric parameters and magnetic fields with ZeeTurbo

Paul Cristofari - IRAP


The characterization of exoplanets is inherently linked to our ability to characterize their host stars. M dwarfs have been identified as privileged targets for searching planets in the habitable zone of their host star, and several instruments, such as SPIRou, were built specifically for their observation in the near-Infrared domain. Deriving accurate estimates of atmospheric parameters for such stars remains challenging, however. One of the best options at our disposal is the comparison of high-resolution …


8) Combiner la basse et la haute résolution spectrale dans l'étude des atmosphères d'exoplanètes

Florian Debras - IRAP (Lecturer)


Photo de profil

Les observations d'atmosphères d'exoplanètes par le JWST ont commencé et promettent des découvertes inédites, notamment grâce à sa gamme spectrale immense et sa sensibilité. Cependant, les observations à basse et moyenne résolution ont leur limites et possèdent des dégénérescences intrinsèques. Le meilleur moyen pour lever ces dégénérescences est de coupler les études depuis l'espace avec des observations à haute résolution depuis le sol, par des instruments tels que SPIRou au CFHT ou NIRPS à La …


9) SPIRou Legacy Survey, principaux résultats

Xavier Delfosse - IPAG

Invited Talk

SPIRou, vélocimètre et spectropolarimètre proche infrarouge installé sur le Canada France Hawaii Telescope, observe depuis le début de l'année 2019. Le SPIRou Legacy Survey y a été mené de 2019 à 2022 en se concentrant sur deux thèmes : (1) la détection et la caractérisation des systèmes planétaires des naines M du voisinage solaire, et (2) l’étude de l’impact du champ magnétique sur la formation stellaire et planétaire. Durant cette présentation nous ferons une revue …


10) In-depth direct imaging and spectroscopic characterization of the young, Solar System-analog HD 95086

Célia Desgrange - MPIA


HD 95086 is a young (~13 Myr), nearby Solar-System analog hosting a 4-5 MJup, directly-imaged exoplanet: HD 95086 b. The planet orbits at ~57 au from the star between an inner and an outer debris belt located at 7-10 au and 106-320 au, respectively. Previous studies have suggested that the size of the broad cavity between the two belts requires the presence of one or more additional planets at a closer separation (<30 au).

In …


11) Using forward modelling to disentangle stellar contamination and atmospheric signatures in high-resolution spectra of transiting planet

William Dethier - IPAG


Over the past two decades, transit spectroscopy has led to the detection of various species in exoplanet atmospheres. Improvements in resolution and sensitivity however revealed the potential biases induced by the stellar lines locally occulted by the planet along its transit chord. Our goals are to investigate the implications of centre-to-limb variations and stellar rotation in the biases induced in absorption spectra by planetary-occulted stellar lines, and to interpret atmospheric absorption signatures in the presence …


12) First results of JWST: transiting exoplanets with MIRI LRS

Achrène Dyrek - CEA Paris-Saclay


Photo de profil

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) with its Low-Resolution Spectrometer (LRS) already have and will carry out primary and secondary transit spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres with an unprecedented sensitivity, in an almost uncharted wavelength range (from 5 to 12 μm). Among the 77 programs for cycle 1 of transiting exoplanet observation proposed for Early Release Science (ERS), Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO) and General Observations (GO), 43 of them have or will be …


13) Session hands-on: JWST MIRI-LRS data reduction Training session

Achrène Dyrek - CEA Paris-Saclay


Photo de profil

Session hands-on sur le JWST MIRI-LRS pour apprendre à faire de la réduction de données.

14) Hot rocky super earths: outgassing of a magma ocean in silicate to hydrogen atmospheres

Aurélien FALCO - IPGP


Over recent years and in the near future, space and ground telescopes have increased the precision of their observations of exoplanets.

With the new capabilities of JWST notably, it may be possible to extract a more exact information as to the composition of exoplanet atmospheres.

It may be even possible to study their interior for example through the outgassing of magma oceans.

In this presentation, we will focus on the effects of outgassing on observations, …


15) The steam project. The stability of water-rich atmospheres.

Antonio García Muñoz - CEA Paris-Saclay


The evolution and current state of an atmosphere depend on how it responds to stellar irradiation. Such a response depends on a combination of atmospheric properties (in particular composition, and overall irradiation) and stellar properties (in particular, the high-energy spectrum of the star). Following the launch of JWST, and its unprecedented sensitivity and spectral coverage, the coming years will likely see a shift in the community's focus from big, hydrogen-dominated planets to smaller planets with …


16) Interactions multi-physique entre les exo-atmosphères et leurs étoiles

Alexandre Gillet - CEA


Les exoplanètes orbitant très proche de leur étoile subissent des niveaux d'irradiation extrêmes conduisant à un échappement atmosphérique hydrodynamique et à la formation d'un vent planétaire. La perte de masse planétaire est régie par plusieurs mécanismes physiques dont la photoionisation qui peut impacter l'évolution des exo-atmosphères. A l'aide de PLUTO, nous étudions par l'intermédiaire de simulations hydrodynamiques 1D et 2D l'effet de l'ionisation secondaire par les photoélectrons sur l'ionisation et le chauffage du gaz différentes …


17) Optimiser les méthodes d'analyse de données pour la détection d'exoplanète

Nathan Hara - Université de Genève (Maître-assistant)


Dans les dix prochaines années, il sera essentiel de pouvoir détecter des terres jumelles par photométrie et vitesses radiales. Le signal de telles planètes est de l'ordre de 10 cm/s et 80 ppm, et leur détection n'est pas limitée par le bruit de photon des instruments, mais par leur systématiques et les signaux provenant de l'activité stellaire. Pour repousser les limites de détection il faut de nouvelles méthodes d'analyse permettant d'exploiter à fond …


18) Characterisation of the atmosphere of WASP-76b using SPIRou

Thea Hood - IRAP


With the first observations having been carried out by the JWST, the great potential of this long awaited instrument is at last coming to fruition. For exoplanetary characterisation in particular, it has already shown great promise for tremendous discoveries, having captured the first clear evidence for CO2 in an exoplanet’s atmosphere. Still limited in resolution however, coupling it with ground-based observations would optimise results. The near-infrared spectropolarimeter SPIRou located at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) is …


19) Interior of Jupiter and new equations of state: what consequences for exoplanets?

Saburo Howard - Université Côte d'Azur (PhD student)


The Juno mission has completely revolutionised our vision of the interior of Jupiter. One of the main findings of Juno, thanks to very accurate measurements of Jupiter's gravity field, is the presence of a dilute core inside the planet. However, the size of this dilute core is still a matter of debate and constraining its extent is key to understand the formation and evolution of the planet.

Since Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and …


20) Characterization of exoplanet's atmospheres with CHEOPS

Sergio Hoyer - LAM (Postdoc)


The Characterizing Exoplanets Satellite (CHEOPS) is the first ESA space mission dedicated primarily to the study of exoplanetary systems. Since its first light in January 2020, and through its nominal mission of 3.5 years, CHEOPS is performing ultra-high precision photometry of bright stars known to host extrasolar planets. Next to searching for transits of planets known from radial velocities and measuring precise radii of known transiting planets, CHEOPS is performing characterization of exoplanet …


21) A sub-Neptune planet around TOI-1695 discovered and characterized with SPIRou and TESS

Flavien Kiefer - Lesia (Postdoc)


TOI-1695 is a V-mag=13 M-dwarf star from the northern hemisphere at 45 pc from the Sun, around which a 3.134-day periodic transit signal from a super-Earth candidate was identified in TESS photometry. With a transit depth of 1.3 mmag, the radius of candidate TOI-1695.01 was estimated by the TESS pipeline to be 1.82 REarth with an equilibrium temperature of ~620 K. We successfully detect a reflex motion of the star and establish it is due …


22) JWST : promesses tenues

Pierre-Olivier Lagage - CEA (Senior scientist)

Invited Talk

Le 25 décembre 2021, le télescope Webb, le plus grand télescope spatial et le plus complexe jamais construit, a été lancé depuis Kourou par une fusée Ariane 5. Deux semaines plus tard, le télescope était complètement déployé et fin janvier, il était en orbite autour du point L2 de Lagrange (1,5 million de km de la Terre). Ensuite, les 18 hexagones qui constituent le miroir primaire ont été phasés et les quatre instruments mis en …


23) Search for exosystems at radio wavelengths : recent results and progresses

Laurent Lamy - LESIA, Observatoire de Paris (Assistant astronomer)


The search for exoplanets at radio long wavelengths (or low frequencies), typically beyond a few meters (below a few 100 MHz) has been a rising research field for the past decades. This search, based on expectations derived from auroral radio emissions of magnetized planets of the solar system, is motivated by the unique informations that a radio detection would provide on exoplanets and their interaction with the host star (planet/star magnetic field, rotation/revolution periods etc.). …


24) Applying new data analysis methods to SPHERE data to recover debris disks intensity and polarimetry

maud langlois - CNRS/CRAL (directrice de recherche)


We will present the results of new SPHERE data processing project (ANR DDISK) using methods dedicated to  the reconstruction of the circumstellar environments. For total intensity we use the REXPACO algorithm, Flasseur+2021 to recover their morphology. The method formalize the challenging imaging tasks within an inverse problem framework embedding a statistics-based model of the stellar leakages combined with a physics-based forward model of the instrumental effects. Beyond the significant gain in sensitivity, a major feature …


25) Atmospheric characterization of young giant exoplanets with the Medium Resolution Spectrometer of JWST/MIRI.

Mathilde Mâlin - LESIA (PhD student)


Young giant exoplanets are the best targets for characterization with direct imaging. The Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) of the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of the recently launched James Webb Space Telescope gives access to the first spectroscopic data for direct imaging above 5 microns with unprecedented sensitivity at a spectral resolution up to 3700. This provides a valuable complement to near-infrared data from ground-based instruments for characterizing these objects. At mid-infrared wavelengths, the star-to-planet flux ratio …


26) Turbulent protoplanetary disks: a path to planetesimal formation?

Héloïse Méheut - UCA/CNRS


A recent evolution, both theoretical and observational, in the understanding of protoplanetary disks dynamics points toward a low turbulence level; when turbulence is modelled by viscosity, this translates into a low viscous parameter. This new paradigm modifies our understanding of the dust dynamics in these disks and therefore the first steps of planet formation. Does it help planetesimal formation? Does it modify how the dust is distributed in the disk?
To address such questions, we …


27) Le comité exoplanète transverse et la prospective INSU/AA

Nadège Meunier - IPAG/Université Grenoble Alpes (Astronome)


Le comité exoplanète transverse, créé par l'INSU en 2020, sera présenté (contexte INSU, rôles). Ce contexte sera suivi d'un
résumé des actions effectuées par le CET depuis sa création. L'accent sera ensuite mis sur la préparation de l'exercice de prospective
INSU/AA qui démarrera en 2023, en particulier le calendrier, les différents chantiers à venir (organisationnel, instruments...) et
les points de vigilance. Cette présentation courte servira de point de départ à des discussions afin de construire …


28) Impact de la variabilité stellaire sur la détectabilité de futures analogues terrestres

Nadège Meunier - IPAG/Université Grenoble Alpes (Astronome)


Il est maintenant admis que l'activité stellaire est un frein majeur à la détection par la méthode des vitesses radiales de planètes de petites masses autour d'étoiles de type solaire. L'impact des taches et plages est bien connu, via différents processus (contraste des structures, inhibition du blueshift convectif), mais l'impact des champs de vitesse à différentes échelles dans la photosphère l'est beaucoup moins. Ces processus, opérant à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles, impactent cependant significativement …


29) First results from the JWST

vivien parmentier - Université de la Côte d'Azur

Invited Talk

The JWST Early Release Science program has now observed its three targets. The transmission spectrum of the hot Saturn WASP-39b, the emission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-18b and the phase curve of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b. 

I will discuss these three observations, both from the point of view of the quality of the data and of the physical insights these give us into atmospheric physics of exoplanet atmospheres. 

30) Hot exoplanetary atmospheres in 3D

William Pluriel - Université de Genève


Hot giant exoplanets are very exotic objects with no equivalent in the Solar system which allow us to study the behavior of atmospheres under extreme conditions. Their day-night thermal and chemical dichotomy associated with extreme wind dynamics make them intrinsically 3D objects. Thus, the simple 1D assumptions must be avoided in order to be able to explain in a consistent way hot and ultra hot Jupiter atmospheres and their evolution. I will present a review …


31) Very oblique rings as the natural end state of migrating exomoons

Melaine Saillenfest - IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris (Chargé de recherche)


Satellites alter the spin-axis precession rate of their host planet. The tidal migration of moons is therefore an efficient driver of resonance crossing between the spin-axis and orbital precession modes of a planet. Once the planet is captured in resonance, the migration of its moons produces a large obliquity increase over billions of years -- for instance, this mechanism is responsible for Saturn's axis tilt. When the planet's obliquity reaches 90°, however, the migrating moon …


32) Substellar companions to B stars: the frontiers of planet formation

Vito Squicciarini - LESIA - Observatoire de Paris


With a sample of more than 5000 objects at hand, exoplanet demographics is starting to unveil how the complex process of planet formation has produced the multifaceted hues of observed exoplanetary architectures. However, the two most successful detection techniques, namely transits and radial velocities, are biased towards old planets orbiting close to their stars. Complementing them, direct imaging is preferentially sensitive to young giant planets in wide orbits, offering unique insights into the critical stages …


33) Modeling the atmosphere of WASP-43 b using the generic Planetary Climate Model: The impact of clouds on atmospheric dynamics and observables.

Lucas Teinturier - LESIA-LMD


Understanding the atmospheric circulation, radiative transfer and atmospheric chemistry of exoplanets is crucial for the characterization of these objects.

In particular, Hot Jupiters are among the most observed type of exoplanets and have no equivalent in our Solar System. During the last decade, observational and modeling efforts have been made to begin the atmospheric characterization of these exoplanets.

We set out to use the generic Planetary Climate Model (generic PCM), a 3D Global Climate Model …


34) Exploring the formation of planets with microwave measurements of protoplanetary dust analogs

Vanesa Tobon Valencia - Institut Fresnel (PhD student)


This study is dedicated to provide more realistic tools to interpret protoplanetary disk observations with microwave scattering experiments, where our dust analogs are geometrically controlled thanks to additive manufacturing, using a refractive index similar to astronomical silicate. The size of these analogs is chosen to be proportional to real dust compared to the used wavelengths to do the observations, in order to respect the electromagnetic scale invariance rule and thus reproduce similar scattering behaviors as …


35) Tour d’horizon des planètes TRAPPIST-1 avant l’ère JWST

Martin Turbet - LMD, IPSL (CNRS research scientist)


Ça y est, nous y sommes enfin ! Le JWST est lancé, déployé, et maintenant en pleine opération. Près de 200h d’observations ont été obtenues lors du cycle 1 d’observations du JWST pour caractériser les atmosphères des 7 planètes TRAPPIST-1, principalement par spectroscopie de transit, mais aussi par éclipses secondaires. Certaines de ces observations ont maintenant déjà été effectuées, les spectres sont en cours d’analyse voire pour certains déjà analysés, les premiers papiers sont en …


36) La chimie des atmosphères d'exoplanètes

Olivia Venot - LISA (CR CNRS)

Invited Talk

Photo de profil

Le JWST a été lancé il y a un an et nous a livré ses premières observations, d’une très haute qualité, il y a quelques mois. Aussi, dans quelques années, le télescope spatial Ariel sera lancé et étudiera l’atmosphère d’un très grand nombre d’exoplanètes afin d’avoir une vue globale, statistique sur ces objets. Nous sommes donc maintenant entré dans une nouvelle ère concernant la caractérisation des exoplanètes, nous donnant accès de façon détaillée à la …


37) Opportunité de participation au démonstrateur d'imageur coronographique sur le télescope spatial Roman de la NASA

Arthur Vigan - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille / CNRS (Senior scientist)


Le télescope spatial Roman (RST) de la NASA, prévu pour un lancement à l'horizon 2027, embarquera un démonstrateur technologique d'imageur à très haut contraste, le Coronagraph Instrument (CGI), qui permettra d'effectuer les toutes premières détections d'exoplanètes géantes en lumière réfléchie dans le visible. Il combinera pour cela un ensemble de briques technologiques qui permettront d'atteindre des contrastes compris entre 10^-7 (spécification) et 10^-9 (but). Après une phase de démonstration technologique d'une durée de 3 mois …


38) Constraints on the existence of low-mass planets with supercritical hydrospheres

Hugo Vivien - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille


Short-period, low-mass planets have been found to often display inflated atmospheres [1]. Here, we investigate the interior structure of such planets with a moderate water budget using a fully self-consistent planet interior model [2, 3], where water can exist in supercritical state.

This has been done by increasing the working range of an existing interior model, allowing us to explore the 0.2-2.3 Earth mass range. We consider planets with water mass fractions (WMF) ranging from …


39) Interactions Planète-Disque dans les disques protoplanétaires avec vents MHD

Gaylor Wafflard-Fernandez - IPAG, CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes


Les modèles d’interaction planète-disque reposent principalement sur des simulations 2D et 3D purement hydrodynamiques. L’accrétion y est souvent prescrite par un paramètre alpha qui modélise classiquement le transport radial turbulent de masse dans le disque. Ce scénario d’accrétion est depuis quelques années questionné par un paradigme qui implique l’évacuation verticale de moment cinétique par des vents magneto-hydrodynamiques. L’objectif est ici d'étudier l’impact d’une protoplanète massive dans un disque magnétisé en présence d'un vent MHD. Pour …


40) The thermal evolution of exoplanets.

Christian Wilkinson - Observatoire de Paris Meudon


As planets age, they evacuate internal energy as such their thermal profile changes as well as the effective entropy. This temporal evolution will lead to changes in observed luminosity and radius of a planet. The modeling of the thermal evolution requires a planetary model with rigorous equations of state for the composition. The equations of state with a hydrostatic equilibrium model help give the radius of a planet for a given thermodynamic configuration. Work on …