
There is a total of 12 abstracts.

1) Characterising the interior structures and atmospheres of multi planetary systems.

Lorena Acuña - Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Marseille, Aix-Marseille University (PhD student)


The modelling of the internal structures of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes gives a valuable insight into their formation history and possible atmospheres. We present a planet model where the interior is coupled with the atmosphere within a Bayesian retrieval scheme. We take into account water in all its possible phases, including steam and supercritical phases, which is necessary for systems with a wide range of stellar irradiations. Our interior-atmosphere model calculates the compositional and atmospheric parameters, …


2) Evolution rotationnelle et orbitale des systèmes compacts étoiles-planètes : influence des couples magnétiques et de marée

Jeremy Ahuir - CEA-AIM/LDE3 (PhD student)


J. Ahuir, A. Strugarek, A. S. Brun, S. Mathis

Au cours des deux dernières décennies, de nombreuses exoplanètes proches ont été détectées autour d'une grande variété d'étoiles hôtes. Ces planètes sont susceptibles de subir une migration pendant toute l'évolution du système étoile-planète, depuis leur formation au sein d'un disque protoplanétaire jusqu'à la fin de vie de l'étoile hôte. Une fois que le disque a disparu, l'évolution orbitale se produit du fait d'interactions magnétiques et de …


3) Analysing Kepler stellar surface rotation periods with the ML tool ROOSTER

Sylvain Breton - INAF - Osservatorio astrofisico di Catania (Chercheur postdoctoral)


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It is crucial for our knowledge of stellar evolution to be able to efficiently determine stellar surface rotation periods in large stellar samples. Random forest learning abilities are exploited to automate the extraction of rotation periods in Kepler light curves. We train three different classifiers: one to detect if rotation modulations are present in the light curve, one to flag classical pulsators or close binary candidates that can bias our rotation-period determination, and finally one …


4) Synergy between stellar physics and planetology, a pathway for high-resolution spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres

Andrea Chiavassa - Lagrange laboratory (Senior scientist)



5) Stellar activity indicators of M dwarfs observed by SPIRou

Pia Cortes-Zuleta - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille


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M-dwarfs are the most abundant stars in our galaxy and have become interesting targets for exoplanet surveys. SPIRou is a near-infrared (nIR) spectropolarimeter and a high-precision velocimeter mounted in the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope (CFHT) in Hawaii. Its scientific goals are two-folded: first, to search and characterize Earth-like planets around nearby low-mass stars, such as M dwarfs, using high-precision radial velocity (RV) measurements, and second, to study the impact of magnetic fields in star and planet formation …


6) How to find planetary signals in radial-velocity measurements despite stellar signals ?

Xavier Dumusque - Astronomy Department of the University of Geneva (Professor)

Invited Talk

Now that the best radial-velocity instruments are reaching a precision of a few dozens of centimeters-per-second, which could lead to the detection of other Earths, it is crucial that the community tackles the challenging problem of stellar signals. Indeed, even the quietest stars induce signals of the order of the meter-per-second level, which totally hinder the detection of such planets. In this talk, I will review the major stellar signals and how, based on a …


7) Two approaches to mitigate stellar activity in radial velocities

Nathan Hara - Université de Genève (Maître-assistant)


The problem of stellar activity can be approached in two ways. First, one can build a model aiming at representing as precisely as possible the stellar activity, typically Gaussian processes, and compares models with different noise structures and different number of planets. This approach offers a rigorous framework, but stellar activity models are unreliable. A second approach consists in assessing the qualitative properties of signals: a planetary signal has a stable period, phase and amplitude, …


8) Prospectives de filtrage des signaux d'activité stellaire pour la détection et caractérisation de planètes semblables à la Terre

Baptiste Klein - Department of physics, University of Oxford (Postdoc)

Invited Talk

La détection et caractérisation d'exoplanètes semblables à la Terre est désormais à la portée de la nouvelle génération de missions spatiales (TESS, PLATO, JWST, ARIEL) et de spectrographes au sol à haute résolution (ESPRESSO, SPIRou, EXPRES, HARPS-3, ELTs). L'une des limitations principales provient des signaux induits par l'activité stellaire qui occultent et parfois imitent les signatures planétaires recherchées. La mise en œuvre de méthodes robustes de filtrage de ces signaux d’activité suscite actuellement une mobilisation …


9) Stellar magnetic activity of solar-like stars along their evolution: impact on exoplanet habitability

Savita Mathur - Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain) (Research scientist)

Invited Talk

Exoplanet search has been at the center of many space missions such as CoRoT, Kepler, TESS and PLATO  in a near future. In particular, a special attention is given to exoplanet that could be habitable. While this requires conditions on the planet orbit that depend on the spectral type of the host star, the level of magnetic activity of the star is key as it would have a non-negligible impact on the development of life, …


10) The impact of surface flows at different scales: exoplanet detectability in radial velocity and high-precision astrometry

Nadège Meunier - IPAG/Université Grenoble Alpes (Astronome)


It is now well accepted that stellar activity prevents the detection of low mass planets around solar type stars when using the radial velocity technique. Although the impact of dark spots and bright plages, through various processes, is widely known, surface flows at different time scales (granulation, supergranulation, meridional circulation) also lead to important radial velocity signatures due to their temporal variability. Those are larger than an Earth-like signal. In this talk, I will focus …


11) Nouvelles modélisations des atmosphères de HD 189733b et HD 209458b

Emilie Panek - Observatoire de Paris (Student)


PANEK Emilie, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, Observatoire de Paris, PSL

DROSSART Pierre, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, Sorbonne Université

BEAULIEU Jean-Philippe, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, Sorbonne Université

Nous avons réalisé une ré-analyse de deux Jupiter chauds (HD209458b et HD189733b) par des méthodes inverses en combinant des observations provenant de différents instruments (HST/STIS et WFC3, Spitzer). Ces deux exoplanètes présentent des interactions, physiques ou spectroscopiques, avec leurs étoiles (Daassou et al. 2014, Casasayas-Barris et al. …


12) Multi-instrumental view of magnetic fields and activity of ɛ Eridani with SPIRou, NARVAL, and TESS

Pascal Petit - IRAP (Senior scientist)


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We report on observations of the active K2 dwarf ɛ Eridani based on contemporaneous SPIRou, NARVAL and TESS data obtained over two months in late 2018, when the activity of the star was reported to be in a non-cyclic phase. Fundamental parameters of ɛ Eridani derived from visible and NIR wavelengths provide us with consistent results, which also agree with published values. Zeeman broadening of individual lines highlights an unsigned surface magnetic field B = …