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Il y a un total de 2 posters.

Voir l'atmosphere des exoplanètes jeunes à moyenne resolution spectrale dans l'IR avec VLT/SINFONI

Flavien Kiefer - Lesia (Postdoc)

Poster 1

Spatially resolved spectra of imaged exoplanets in the near-IR can allow detecting chemical species, and directly constrain orbital and intrinsic parameters of the observed planet. With the medium resolving power of VLT/SINFONI in the K-band, absorption lines of simple molecules (such as H2O and CO) in the atmosphere of young exoplanets are known to be detectable by cross-correlation with a theoretical planet model spectrum, a method known as Molecular Mapping. In practice, the exoplanet radiation is hidden below the point spread function (PSF) of the host star due to the optical setup, and it has to be removed …


Extended-body corrections to the inverse-square law for spherically symmetric sources

Mradumay Sadh - Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw (PhD student)

Poster 2

The inverse-square law for calculating the irradiation arises as a direct consequence of the conservation of the energy, when spherical symmetry is imposed. The law implies that any spherically-symmetric source can be replaced, without changing the energy flux, by a point-sized source located in the center of symmetry. On the other hand, anybody who has seen a sunset knows that, when the center of the Sun moves slightly below the horizon, still a considerable portion of the stellar surface can be visible, irradiating much more than the corresponding point-sized source, which would be hidden under the horizon. This apparent contradiction …


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