
Il y a un total de 11 résumés.

1) Experimental study of X-ray photon induced desorption from methanol containing ices and its astrophysical implications

Romain Basalgète - Observatoire de Paris - LERMA (PhD student)


Methanol CH3 OH is a small organic molecule of particular importance in astrophysics. It has recently been detected in its gaseous form in protoplanetary disks ([1], [2]) and its formation is supposed to be the first step toward a complex organic chemistry. Its presence in these star forming regions is still not fully understood. It is generally believed to form on the surface of cold (T < 100 K) dust grains, in condensed phase, …


2) L'astrochimie pendant la phase de Classe I : l'héritage protostellaire

Eleonora Bianchi - Univ. Grenoble Alpes, IPAG (Postdoc)


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Comment la complexité chimique évolue au cours du processus conduisant à la formation d'un Soleil et de son système planétaire? La richesse chimique d'un système planétaire de type solaire est-elle partiellement héritée des premiers stades ou y  a-t-il une réinitialisation chimique complète? Des preuves récentes suggèrent que la formation des planètes commence probablement déjà dans les jeunes disques protostellaires (phase de Classe I ~ 105 yr). Par conséquent, l'étude de leurs compositions chimiques représente une étape …


3) Extended laboratory investigation of the pure rotational spectra of CH2CN, CH3O and CH2OH radical species in the millimeter-wave region (up to 900 GHz)

olivia chitarra - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (PhD student)


Olivia Chitarra, Jean-thibaut Spaniol, Thomas Hearne, Jean-Christophe Loison, Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel and Olivier Pirali

To enable the detection of new species in the interstellar medium (ISM),
rotational spectroscopy, occurring in the centimeter and millimeter-wave
region, is very effective and enabled the detection of almost 250 molecules to
date. Recently, molecules of increasing complexity have been detected [1], and
several hypothesis concerning their formation in the gas phase involve
reactions with open shell, radical species. The detection …


4) CF+ as a new tool to study PDRs

Benjamin Desrousseaux - IPR - Université de Rennes 1 (PhD student)


CF+ as a new tool to study PDRs


Benjamin Desrousseaux1, François Lique1, Javier R. Goicoechea2, Ernesto Quintas-Sanchez3 and Richard Dawes3

1 Univ Rennes, CNRS, IPR (Institut de Physique de Rennes) - UMR 6251, F-35000 Rennes, France.

2 Instituto de Física Fundamental (CSIC). Calle Serrano 121-123, 28006, Madrid, Spain.

3 Department of Chemistry, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri 65409, United States




5) Attendance Only

Romane Le Gal - IRAP (Postdoc)


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6) The role of C/O in Nitrile astrochemistry in PDRs and planet-forming disks

Romane Le Gal - IRAP (Postdoc)


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Nitriles are key “ingredients” in pre-biotic reactions leading to the formation of aminoacides, i.e. life building-blocks. Understanding where and how these molecules form is crucial to determine 1) how universal the seeds of pre-biotic chemistry are  and 2) what type of molecules can be inherited by nascent planets. Complex nitriles, such as HC3N and CH3CN, are observed in a wide variety of astrophysical environments, including at relatively high abundances in photon-dominated regions (PDRs) and the …


7) Constraining the dust grain alignment mechanism(s) responsible for the (sub-)millimeter dust polarization observed in Class 0 protostellar cores

Valentin Le Gouellec - CEA/ ESO (PhD student)


With the aim of characterizing the role played by magnetic fields in the formation of young protostars, several recent studies have revealed unprecedented features toward high angular resolution ALMA dust polarization observations of Class 0 protostellar cores. Especially, the dust polarization has been found to be enhanced along the irradiated cavity walls of bipolar outflows, but also in region most likely linked with the infalling envelope, in the form of filamentary structure being potential magnetized …


8) Dynamical effects of the radiative stellar feedback on the HI-to-H2 transition

Vincent Maillard - LERMA - Observatoire de Paris - PSL (PhD student)


Molecular clouds are surrounded by an atomic layer where hydrogen is in atomic form (H) instead of molecular form (H2). As one looks deeper into the cloud, the position where H2 becomes more abundant than HI is called the H/H2 transition. This transition controls the fraction of molecular gas, which constitutes the mass reservoir for star formation, as evidenced by the Schmidt-Kennicutt law. Theoretical descriptions of this H/H2 transition have been proposed in the case …


9) On the origin of massive stars: a tale of accretion, ejection and multiplicity in radiation magneto-hydrodynamics

Raphaël Mignon-Risse - AstroParticule & Cosmologie (Université de Paris) (Postdoc)


Despite observational clues of disk-mediated accretion, molecular outflows, and large samples showing that massive stars are often located in multiple stellar systems, the mechanisms behind these statements remain poorly understood.

The accretion question has been tackled first. Massive stars still accrete when going onto the main-sequence, hence they start radiating, and at a much higher luminosity as their mass increases. The radiation barrier problem (i.e. radiative force halting accretion in 1D, Larson, 1971) has motivated …


10) Investigating the interstellar medium structure and porosity to ionizing photons in local primitive galaxies

Lise Ramambason - AIM/CEA Saclay (PhD student)


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Part of the ionizing continuum (Lyman continuum, LyC) produced by young stars can leak out of the host galaxy and ionize its surroundings. At high redshift, such LyC-leaking galaxies are among the best candidates to fully account for reionization (e.g. Robertson et al. 2013). However, direct measurements are extremely difficult as the LyC photons are easily absorbed by neutral gas on the specific line of sight. Instead, indirect tracers have been used to probe the …


11) LHyRICA : Learning from Hyperspectral Representation of Interstellar Clouds with Artificial Intelligence

Jean-François Robitaille - Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (Postdoc)


The LHyRICA project is a collaboration between astrophysicists and AI experts. We propose, using this approach, to correct our impaired view of the origin of the IMF by leaving out the current <i>a-priori </i>astrophysical hypothesis made on core structure (close to elliptical Gaussian), its kinematics (homogeneously bound) and its link to its parental cloud (clear separation and thus independent evolution). Using the full multi- and hyperspectral data of Herschel (Gould Belt &amp; HOBYS surveys) and ALMA …