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Il y a un total de 14 posters.

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Chemical diversity toward high-mass star-forming regions

Mélisse Bonfand - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) (Postdoc)

Poster 1

The high temperatures that prevail in high-mass star forming regions boost their gas-phase chemical complexity via thermal desorption of the complex organic molecules (COMs) trapped in dust-grain ice-mantles. These COMs are excellent diagnostic tools of the physical conditions and the structure of protostellar envelopes.

I will present the first insights of the SPARKS project, conducted with ALMA, which unveiled hundreds of compact objects, from low- to high-mass stars, of which about one quarter are surrounded by a dense and hot environment rich in COMs. The statistical study of this large sample of sources allows us to place meaningful constraints on …


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The formation of dense filaments and ridges

Lars Bonne - SOFIA Science Center (Postdoc)

Poster 2

Dense interstellar filaments and ridges are the preferred birthplace of stars. Here, we confront two rather different star forming filaments: The Musca filament which forms isolated low-mass stars and the DR21 ridge which forms massive star clusters.

Analyzing the Musca filament and its associated ambient cloud with APEX CO observations shows that the filament is continuously accreting mass from the ambient cloud. To understand the origin of these local dynamics, we studied the global kinematics of the Chamaeleon-Musca complex with NANTEN2 CO and GASS HI data. This points to a scenario where the star formation activity in this region is …


G328.25: a hot core precursor rich in S-bearing molecules

Laure Bouscasse - IRAM (Postdoc)

Poster 3

During star formation the molecular gas undergoes significant chemical evolution leading to a molecular richness at the emergence of hot cores. The chemical formation pathways even for simpler molecules are debated. Based on the 870 micron ATLASGAL survey of the inner Galaxy, the SPARKS project discovered 6 massive clumps dominated by a single collapsing massive object down to 2000 au scales. This makes them relatively easy targets for single-dish observations to study the early warm-up phase chemistry leading to the appearance of hot cores. We performed a complete unbiased spectral survey covering the frequency range between 159GHz and 374GHz with …


The turbulence in molecular clouds : observations and statistical analysis of a close molecular cloud.

Simon Delcamp - Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (PhD student)

Poster 4

Turbulence plays a fundamental role in the evolution of molecular clouds as an effective energy transfert process from large scales to small scales. Energy is injected at scales larger than a kiloparsec by a variety of sources, and dissipated at small scales through viscous and ohmic processes. Our work focuses on this last part of the turbulence cascade where energy is dissipated into heat.

Although the viscous dissipation scale is ~10 au, the actual structures could be orders of magnitude smaller. Nevertheless, in the framework of the MIST project, we have started an observational study of a closeby molecular cloud …


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Collisional excitation of CO2 by He : New potential energy surface and scattering calculations - A.Godard, F.Lique and F.Thibault

Amélie Godard - Institut de Physique de Rennes (Student)

Poster 5

CO2 is an abundant molecule in cometary and planetary atmospheres. Furthermore, it is also found in the interstellar medium. In those media, the local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions are rarely fullfilled. Thus, in order to correctly model the observations, there is a need for accurate collisional data for this molecule. This is the only way to derive CO2 abundance in such media.  


    Studying the CO2-He collision may be a good template for more complicated CO2 containing collisional systems. The rotational excitation of CO2 by helium was hence investigated. A new potential energy surface was calculated for this van …


2D/3D & multicale spatial structures in star forming regions

isabelle joncour - IPAG - Universite Grenoble Alpes (Professor)

Poster 6

Using recursively the  dbscan (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise)  algorithm to Spitzer detected YSOs coordinates and nearest neighbour statistics, we are able to retrieve significant spatial 2D multiscale structures in star forming regions that we connect either to primordial structures as issued from the fragmentation of natal molecular gas clump for the more condensed and small ones or to evolved dynamical structures for the largest ones. Besides that analysis and using Gaia data, we use the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approach to investigate at which conditions the depth of the nearest star forming regions (distance < 750pc) may …


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Scattering transforms for interstellar astrophysics and beyond

François Levrier - LPENS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (Dr)

Poster 7

The complex filamentary patterns observed in the interstellar medium (ISM) are prime examples of highly non-Gaussian structures emerging from the non-linear interactions between a variety of physical processes at play (turbulence, gravity, magnetic fields, thermodynamics, …). Our understanding of how these structures form and evolve now largely relies on the statistical analysis of observations and their comparison with numerical simulations, in order to assess physical processes and their interactions, across a vast range of spatial scales.

The quantitive comparison of simulation results to sets of observational data therefore requires an adequate statistical description of non-Gaussian structures. I will present a …


Theoretical study of NH-H2 in the interstellar medium

Paul Pirlot - Institut de Physique de Rennes (Student)

Poster 8

Despite the increasing number of observations of several nitrogen hybrides molecules (NH, NH2, NH3,...) in the last decade, the nitrogen abundance in the interstellar medium (ISM) is still subject to debate. In particular, NH is involved in many reactions in a nitrogen chemical network. Accurately modelling the NH abundance in molecular clouds is then of high interest.

Density conditions in the ISM does not allow maintaining collisional processes large enough to maintain the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) condition. Hence, the modelling of the observational spectra requires to take into account the competition between radiative and collisional …


ALMA-IMF, the Large Program investigating the origin of stellar masses

Yohan Pouteau - Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenobkle (PhD student)

Poster 9

The origin of stellar masses, arguably the most central question in star formation remain a major open issue in modern astrophysics \citep[see review by, e.g., ballesteros et al., 2020). The main goal of the ALMA-IMF Large Program (PIs Motte, Ginsburg, Louvet, \& Sanhueza) is to determine how the origin of the initial mass function (IMF) is in fact independent of cloud characteristics or not. Thanks to its unmatched angular resolution, sensitivity, image quality, and excellent frequency coverage, we used ALMA to survey 15 massive protoclusters, covering a wide variety of Galactic environments and evolutionary stages.
Our pilot study and preliminary …


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Attendance Only

Yohan Pouteau - Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenobkle (PhD student)

Poster 10

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Dust evolution in the Horsehead Nebula: Demonstration and influence on the gas physics and chemistry

Thiebaut Schirmer - IAS Orsay (Postdoc)

Poster 11

Dust plays a crucial role in numerous physical and chemical processes in the interstellar medium (ISM). Variations of physical conditions in the ISM (i.e. particle density and radiation field) trigger evolution of the dust properties (i.e optical properties, abundances, size distribution, composition) which strongly impact the gas. It is therefore important to understand how dust evolves with the local environment.

We study dust evolution, through its emission and scattering properties, in nearby photon- dominated regions (PDRs) where the physical conditions vary widely but can be spatially resolved. We focus on the Horsehead Nebula a well-known PDR, which has been extensively …


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Attendance Only

Thiebaut Schirmer - IAS Orsay (Postdoc)

Poster 12

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Star clusters nested in hierarchical gaseous complexes : a graph theory-based approach of the fragmentation

Benjamin Thomasson - IPAG - UGA (PhD student)

Poster 13

The spatial distribution of YSOs might give some clues on the fragmentation process of molecular clouds. This work aims to investigate at which spatial scale gas clumps fragment to form groups of YSOs. Using the getsf procedure (Men’shchikov+21), we extracted clumps catalogs at various scales (5~30kAU) in Herschel maps of NGC2264. In addition, we include the class 0/I YSOs (Rapson+14) to perform spatial connection with those clumps. We then design a graph theory-based approach using specific metrics to characterise the properties of fragmentation within the gas component, in which clumps and YSOs are the nodes of a directed graph and …


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Attendance Only

Benjamin Thomasson - IPAG - UGA (PhD student)

Poster 14