
Il y a un total de 13 résumés.

1) Machine learning for the detection of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (N. Aghanim, V. Bonjean, M. Douspis, G. Hurier, X. Jimenez)

Nabila Aghanim - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) (Senior scientist)


The Planck collaboration has extensively used the six Planck HFI frequency maps to detect the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect from clusters of galaxies by applying component separation to construct a full-sky map of the y parameter or matched multi-filters to detect galaxy clusters via the pressure associated with their hot gas. We present how different approaches based on machine learning (e.g. Artificial neural networks and deep learning) can be successfully used as alternatives to detect the …


2) Identifying strong gravitational lenses in current and future large-scale imaging surveys

Raoul Canameras - Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics


Strong gravitational lensing is a very powerful tool for probing dark matter properties, high-redshift galaxies, and for measuring cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant H0. Forthcoming imaging surveys, and in particular the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), will revolutionize the field by increasing lens samples from about 1000 to nearly 100000 systems, which will open new avenues for statistical studies. Finding these new lens systems among the extensive data sets …


3) Recovering galaxies' star formation history using machine learning

Laure Ciesla - LAM (Senior scientist)

Invited Talk

Photo de profil

Although it is now admitted that galaxies spend the majority of their lives on the so-called main sequence of star-forming galaxies, it is expected that they undergo variations in their star formation activity. These variations are difficult to constrain from broad band SED fitting due to degeneracies and spectroscopic information is required to provide accuretaly recover their history. However, these spectroscopic data are not always available (1% of the galaxies of the whole COSMOS field …


4) Encoding large scale cosmological structure with Generative Adversarial Networks

Aurélien Decelle - Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Recent progresses in Machine Learning have unlocked new possibilities to tackle scientific problems by means of neural networks, and already many applications have been developed both in astrophysics and cosmology. In this presentation, using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), an unsupervised learning model, we demonstrate the possibility to learn the distribution of dark matter of the cosmic web, using as input the results of large-scale -dark matter only- simulations such as Gadget. We provide a …


5) Machine learning in small scale CMB analysis

Marian Douspis - IAS (Dr)


Small scale CMB data contain a lot of cosmological information hidden in the different components : primordial CMB, tSZ effect, kSZ effect, CIB. Standard analyses assume templates for non primordial CMB component and lose the cosmological signature of large scale structures contained in secondary anisotropies.
I will present a new analysis of SPT data at small scales where the tSZ spectrum is derived from machine learning algorithms,  trained on the halo model, and brings additional …


6) Deep Learning to study galaxy formation

Marc Huertas-Company - Observatoire de Paris (Professor)

Invited Talk

I will review some recent results of our group using supervised and self-supervised deep learning to study the physics of galaxy formation. 

7) Learning the dynamics of galaxies

Rodrigo Ibata - Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (Senior scientist)


I will present our on-going work aimed at building unsupervised methods to analyse the dynamics of galaxies, particularly the Milky Way and nearby systems for which we have rich astrometric and radial velocity data. One of these methods is the ACTIONFINDER, an algorithm that is able to find automatically the coordinate mapping from phase space to action-angles in quite general potentials, given a set of orbit segments. I will also sketch out our current work …


8) RESSPECT: A recommendation system for spectroscopic follow-up allocation

Emille Ishida - CNRS (Engineer)

Invited Talk

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The recent increase in volume and complexity of available astronomical data has led to a wide use of supervised machine learning techniques. Active learning strategies have been proposed as an alternative to optimize the distribution of scarce labeling resources. However, due to the specific conditions in which labels can be acquired, fundamental assumptions, such as sample representativeness and labeling cost stability cannot be fulfilled. The Recommendation System for Spectroscopic followup (RESSPECT) project was born from …


9) Photometric redshifts for UNIONS

Xavier Jimenez - CEA Saclay (Student)


We present first measurements of photometric redshifts for UNIONS data. UNIONS u-, r-, i-, and z-band images are complemented with CFHTLenS-u, and Pan-STARRS medium-deep catalogues. For training and validation we make use of the DEEP2+3 and SDSS/eBOSS spectroscopic data in the UNIONS footprint. We use various machine-learning techniques to learn the mapping between galaxy redshifts and colours, including random forests, support vector regression, boosted decision trees, neural networks, and dictionary learning. We compare those results …


10) Merging Deep Learning and Physical Models for the Analysis of Cosmological Surveys

Francois Lanusse - CEA Paris-Saclay/CNRS (Senior scientist)

Invited Talk

The upcoming generation of cosmological surveys such as LSST or Euclid will aim to map the Universe in great detail and on an unprecedented scale. This of course implies new and outstanding challenges at all levels of the scientific analysis, from pixel level data reduction to cosmological inference. In this talk, I will illustrate how recent advances in deep learning and associated automatic differentiation frameworks, can help us tackle these challenges and rethink our approach …


11) Automatically Differentiable Physics for Maximizing the Information Gain of Cosmological Surveys

Denise Lanzieri - CEA Paris-Saclay (PhD student)


Weak gravitational lensing is one of the most promising tools of cosmology to constrain models and probe the evolution of dark-matter structures. Yet, the current analysis techniques are only able to exploit the 2-pt statistics of the lensing signal, ignoring a large fraction of the cosmological information contained in the non-Gaussian part of the signal. Exactly how much information is lost, and how it could be exploited is an open question.

In this work, we …


12) Bayesian inference of large scale structure surveys assisted by Deep learning emulators

Guilhem Lavaux - IAP / CNRS (Scientist)


Recent years have seen the emergence of a number of very efficient use of deep learning technology for cosmological inference. Notably cosmological emulators show great promises to generate very quick mock catalogs either from cheap dark matter simulations or directly from random numbers. Investigations on these emulators also highlight that, provided the probed cosmology for the purpose of generating mock samples is not too far away from the one used in the training samples, they …


13) CNN photometric redshifts to z~6

Marie Treyer - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (Senior scientist)

Invited Talk

We developed and trained a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to estimate photometric redshifts and associated probability distribution functions from redshift 0 to ~6, using several multi-band spectroscopic surveys (SDSS, GAMA, BOSS, CHTLS, HSC-CLAUDS). Our method exploits multi-band stamp images without feature extraction. The bias, dispersion and rate of catastrophic failures we are able to achieve surpass the current state-of-the art values. As with all machine learning approaches, the main limitation of this method is …