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Il y a un total de 11 posters.

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Deep-Cigale : rethinking Bayesian SED fitting

Grégoire Aufort - LAM (PhD student)

Poster 1

We propose a new Bayesian Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting tool alleviating computational cost of both the physical modelling and the statistical procedure while retaining the modularity and interpretability of traditional SED fitting.

Bayesian SED fitting is a powerful tool to consistently measure physical properties of galaxies’ stellar population, nebular gas, dust masses and Active Galactic Nucleus, along with the corresponding estimation uncertainties. Physical models have been proposed to simulate each component of galaxies electromagnetic emissions, and numerical codes have been developed to combine those models and compare the resulting simulations to observed SEDs to statistically estimate the models’ parameters. …


The principal graph of the Cosmic Web

Tony Bonnaire - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (PhD student)

Poster 2

The spatial distribution of matter at z=0 depicts a complex pattern commonly referred to as the Cosmic Web in which massive nodes are linked together by elongated bridges found at the intersection of thin mildly-dense walls, themselves surrounding large empty voids.
In this presentation, we introduce T-ReX, a framework allowing the extraction of the filamentary part of the pattern as a graph passing ''in the middle'' of the distribution with robustness to heteroscedastic noise and outliers.
Based on a regularised version of a mixture model, the algorithm approximates the underlying one-dimensional manifold by a graph structure acting like a topological …


Unsupervised classification of CIGALE galaxy spectra

Julien Dubois - IPAG (PhD student)

Poster 3

Amidst an era of rapid technological progress where large quantities of data are produced daily at an ever-increasing rate, unsupervised learning methods have proven to be an extremely useful tool, and have been successfully applied in various scientific fields, ranging from medical science to economics. In this work, we have applied an unsupervised classification method named Fisher-EM on a large sample of optical galaxy spectra simulated using CIGALE.

Short for "Code Investigating GALaxy Emission", CIGALE is an algorithm that can either fit measured spectra or generate ones based on a set of input physical properties of the source galaxy such …


Classification of cosmological models using Machine Learning Techniques, how and why does that work ?

Remy Koskas - Observatoire de Paris (PhD student)

Poster 4

Remy Koskas & Jean-Michel Alimi

Laboratoire Univers et Théories, CNRS UMR 8102, Observatoire de Paris, PSL University. 

We are interested in detecting the cosmological  imprint  on properties of present dark matter halos by using Machine Learning methods. We analyse the halos formed in Dark Energy Universe Simulations using several dark energy models (Lambda CDM, Quintessence Ratra Peebles, Phantom Dark energy models).  Such models are known as realistic, they have been chosen in agreement with both CMB and SN Ia data. Their resulting halos are thus extremely close from one cosmological model to another. However, we have shown that using machine …


Estimating galaxy properties from colours with the self-organizing maps: Forecasts for future imaging surveys with the Horizon-AGN Virtual Observatory

Clotilde Laigle - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (astronome-adjoint)

Poster 5

Cutting-edge instrumentation such as the Euclid satellite and the Rubin Observatory are being prepared in order to observe in the next few years billions of galaxies with exquisite quality, spanning half of the history of the Universe. Surprisingly however, many questions concerning the nature and chronology of processes shaping galaxy evolution are currently still unanswered, which might in fact underline some shortcomings of our conventional approaches.  In order to maximise the scientific return of  exquisite upcoming photometric surveys, our techniques to extract meaningful information on galaxy assembly from their colours must be revisited. In this talk and based on our …


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Utilisation de Machine Learning pour l'etude du milieu interstellaire

Christophe Morisset - Instituto de Astronomia - UNAM (Senior scientist)

Poster 6

Les techniques de Machine Learning sont de plus en plus utilisées en astrophysique, comme dans la reste de la société. Je présenterai des exemples d'utilisation de ces techniques dans le domaine de l'étude du milieu interstellaire, en particulier pour la determination de la composition chimique des nébuleuses planétaires ou des regions HII. Les méthodes présentées font principalement appel à des regresseurs de type XGBoost ou Réseau de Neurones. Quelques applications et résultats préliminaires seront discutés.

Machine learning for gravitational lenses search in all-sky surveys

Quentin Petit - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) (PhD student)

Poster 7

Gravitational lensing is one of the most useful and spectacular consequences of General Relativity which can result in observing multiple lensed images of a distant quasar. It is the most accurate technique to weigh galaxies, study their dark matter content/mass profile over cosmic history, and one of the few techniques that allow the measurement of the Hubble constant H0 with <4% accuracy. At present, only ~40 quadruply-imaged quasars are known (Ducourant et al. 2018), due to the small separation of components (<1"). The Gaia space mission offers for the first time an all-sky survey with an exceptional spatial resolution of …


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Real galaxy mergers from galaxy pairs

Hugo Pfister - NBI / HKU (Postdoc)

Poster 8

Mergers of galaxies are extremely violent which may trigger starbursts or black hole accretion. The issue to address their effects from an observational perspective is that, as galaxy mergers last several Gyr, we can only observe them at a particular time which limits our ability to know the fate of a galaxy pair. To overcome this issue, we use the Horizon-AGN simulation to build a catalog of a billion of galaxy pair for which we know the fate. We then test three selection processes aiming at identifying true merging pairs. We find that simple threshold gives similar results as more …


Probabilistic Mapping of Dark Matter by Neural Score Matching

Benjamin Remy - AIM/CEA Paris-Saclay (PhD student)

Poster 9

We present a novel methodology to address ill-posed inverse problems, by providing a description of the posterior distribution instead of a point estimate solution. Our approach combines Neural Score Matching for learning a prior distribution from physical simulations, and an Annealed Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo technique to sample the full high-dimensional posterior of our problem.

In the astrophysical problem we address, by measuring the lensing effect on a large number of galaxies, it is possible to reconstruct maps of the Dark Matter distribution on the sky. However, presence of missing data and noise dominated measurement makes the inverse problem non-invertible.

We propose …


Measuring precise distances with Machine Learning methods

Guillaume Thomas - Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Postdoc)

Poster 10

I would like to present the new innovative methods based on machine learning technics that I developed to obtain precise distances for distant stars using spectroscopic data and/or broad band photometry. The distances thus derived by these new methods have already proved to be extremely useful in discovering new galactic structures, and to complement Gaia data. One of these method will be used to measure distance to all the stars observed by the incoming WEAVE spectroscopic survey, while the other will be directly applicable on the next LSST data. </span>

Deep Learning for Blended Source Identification

André ZAMORANO VITORELLI - CEA - Saclay IRFU/DAp (Postdoctoral Researcher)

Poster 11

In this talk, I present BlendHunter, a proof-of-concept for a deep transfer learning based approach for the automated and robust identification of blended sources in galaxy survey data. We take the VGG-16 network with pre-trained convolutional layers and train the fully connected layers on parametric models of COSMOS images. We test the efficacy of the transfer learning by taking the weights learned on the parametric models and using them to identify blends in more realistic CFIS-like images. We compare the performance of this method to SEP (a Python implementation of SExtractor) as function of noise level and the separation between …