
Il y a un total de 14 résumés.

1) Coupling the Atmospheric and Dynamical Evolution of Close-in Exoplanets

Omar Attia - University of Geneva (PhD student)


The vast majority of the detected exoplanets orbit in less than a month around their star, in extreme conditions unmet in the Solar System. The demographics of these close-in planets exhibit a striking feature: the lack of Neptune-size worlds on very short orbits, also dubbed the ‘Neptunian desert’, which challenges our understanding of planetary formation and evolution. 

Two classes of mechanisms thought to play a predominant role in shaping the desert are orbital migration, which …


2) TBL: Une revue des observations sur les semestres passés

Rémi Cabanac - Université de Toulouse 3, Paul Sabatier, UT3, OMP, IRAP (Directtion scientifique Pic du midi)

Invited Talk

Je présenterai les statistiques d'observations des semestres passés au TBL.

3) High precision radial velocity measurements of the active M-dwarf star Gl 388 (AD Leo) with SOPHIE at the OHP and SPIRou at the CFHT: No evidence for a 2.2 days period planet.

Andres CARMONA - IPAG (Postdoc)


The search of extrasolar planets around nearby M-dwarfs is a crucial step in the long term goal of identifying and characterising extrasolar planets that could potentially host life in the vicinity of the solar system. We have obtained radial velocity time series of the nearby active M-dwarf star Gl 388 (AD Leo) from 2019 to 2020 with SPIRou, the near-IR spectropolarimeter at the Canada France Hawaii Telescope (R~70k), and with SOPHIE, the optical echelle spectrograph …


4) Discovering 26 New Sub-stellar Companions including Giant Planets, Brown Dwarfs, and Low Mass Stars with the SOPHIE Spectrograph

Shweta Dalal - IAP, Paris (Postdoc)


To distinguish the various sub-stellar objects and understand their formation and evolution mechanism, the most obvious way will be to detect and characterize more sub-stellar companions such as exoplanets, brown dwarfs, and M-dwarfs. In this paper, we aim to detect these sub-stellar companions with the help of various radial velocity (RV) surveys using the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. We obtained the Keplerian solutions of the RV variations of 27 stars. We also …


5) Extrasolar planets around low-mass stars detected with SOPHIE

Rodrigo Díaz - ICAS / UNSAM, Argentine (Professor)


One of the exoplanet research programmes carried out with SOPHIE focuses on the detection and characterisation of super-Earth and Neptune-like planets around main-sequence M-type stars (spectral types M0 to M5). The detection of planets around M dwarfs is the royal road to allow an early characterisation of telluric planets with the JWST or ELT. The upgrade of SOPHIE in 2011 brought new possibilities to this program, allowing it to perform high-precision radial velocity measurements. In …


6) HD 158259: five planets near a 3:2 mean motion resonance chain uncovered by SOPHIE

Nathan Hara - Université de Genève (Maître-assistant)


Compact planetary systems, where several planets are in or close to resonance have been detected by transit surveys. This class of systems includes Kepler-11, Kepler-80, K2-138 or TRAPPIST-1, which offer insights on formation processes. Unfortunately, the host stars are too faint for precise, direct measurements of planetary masses with radial velocities. The first detection of a near-resonant system with radial velocities has been made thanks to SOPHIE spectroscopic measurements: the HD 158259 system, with five …


7) HD207897 b: A dense sub-Neptune transiting a nearby and bright K-type star

neda heidari - Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran./Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CNES, LAM, Marseille, France (PhD student)


We present the discovery and characterization of a transiting sub-Neptune orbiting with a 16.20-days period around a nearby (28 pc) and bright (V= 8.37) K0V star HD207897 (TOI-1611). This discovery is based on photometric measurements from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission and radial velocity (RV) observations from the SOPHIE, Automated Planet Finder (APF) and HIRES high precision spectrographs. We used EXOFASTv2 for simultaneously modeling the parameters of the planet and its host star, …


8) Mesurer la masse des candidats planètes ou naines brunes détectés par vitesse radiale avec Gaia

Flavien Kiefer - Lesia (Postdoc)


Mass is one of the most important parameters for determining the true nature of an astronomical object. Yet, many published exoplanets detected thanks to radial velocity (RV) variations of their host star, as performed at OHP/T193 with SOPHIE, still lack a measurement of their true mass. For those, only the minimum mass, or m sin(i), is known, owing to the insensitivity of RVs to the inclination of the detected orbit compared to the plane-of-the-sky. The …


9) TOI-1710b: a warm Neptune detected and characterized with TESS, SOPHIE, and HARPS-N.

Pierre-Cécil König - European Southern Observatory (PhD student)


Photo de profil

We report the detection and characterization of the new transiting extrasolar planet TOI-1710b. It was first identified as a promising candidate by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Its planetary nature has been established from SOPHIE and HARPS-N spectroscopic observations via the radial velocity method. The stellar parameters for the host star are derived from the spectra and a joint Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) adjustment of the spectral energy distribution and evolutionary tracks of …


10) Point sur le T193

Auguste LE VAN SUU - OHP-Institut PYTHEAS (Deputy Director OSU Institut Pytheas)


Présentation de la situation actuelle sur le T193, mode de fonctionnement, ressources humaines et support aux observations.

11) Two dimensional Hα kinematics of isolated edge-on galaxies.

Maria Minerva Munoz Sardaneta - Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (PhD student)


To test models of the formation and evolution of galaxies and as a reference sample for the studies of the properties of galaxies in pairs, groups, and clusters is needed to study a representative sample of isolated galaxies, in order to understand the effects of the environment on fundamental galactic properties. We selected a sample of edge-on galaxies (i ≥ 80) from the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG, Karachentseva 1973) to characterise their Hα emitting …


12) The Magnetic Evolution of Young Suns

Coralie Neiner - Paris Observatory


Authors: Stephen Marsden¹ and Coralie Neiner²

(1): University of Southern Queensland, Australia.
(2): LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France.

Magnetic fields are one of the main drivers of the evolution of solar-type stars. They affect everything from the rotational evolution of the star through to the habitability of orbiting exoplanets. In this project we are attempting to help understand how the magnetic dynamos of young Suns evolve from chaotic variability to the regular magnetic cycles that …


13) Multi-instrumental view of magnetic fields and activity of ɛ Eridani with SPIRou, NARVAL, and TESS

Pascal Petit - IRAP (Senior scientist)


Photo de profil

We report on observations of the active K2 dwarf ɛ Eridani based on contemporaneous SPIRou, NARVAL and TESS data obtained over two months in late 2018, when the activity of the star was reported to be in a non-cyclic phase. Fundamental parameters of ɛ Eridani derived from visible and NIR wavelengths provide us with consistent results, which also agree with published values. Zeeman broadening of individual lines highlights an unsigned surface magnetic field B = …


14) Révèler la nature binaire de HQ Tauri

Kim Pouilly - Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (PhD Student)


Une étude d’un suivi spectropolarimétrique de cette étoile T Tauri classique de masse intermédiaire a révélé une vitesse radiale suspecte, bien en deçà de la vitesse médiane de la région du Taureau
dont elle fait partie. De plus, la courbe de vitesse radiale sur 14 jours montre, en plus d’une modulation induite par une tache à la surface, une légère pente décroissante.
La prospection de données passées, ainsi que l’acquisition ponctuelle deux 2 spectres par …