
Il y a un total de 17 résumés.

1) First remote-sensing results with Solar Orbiter

Frédéric Auchère - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Astronomer)

Invited Talk

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The Solar Orbiter mission has been launched successfully in February 2020. Solar Orbiter embarks a comprehensive suite of six remote sensing instruments, both high-resolution and wide field, able to probe from the interior of our Star out to the solar wind. The unique mission profile of Solar Orbiter will allow high-resolution close-ups from 0.28 AU and polar views at up to 35 degrees of latitude. All instruments have been successfully commissioned and while still in …


2) Interaction entre le vent solaire turbulent et les corps du système solaire

Etienne Behar - Laboratoire Lagrange, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (Postdoc)


La simulation auto-cohérente de l'interaction entre un vent solaire turbulent et différents corps du système solaire est rendue possible grace à un nouveau solveur hybrid-PIC multi-GPU et une approche spécifique en deux étapes. Ce nouveau type de simulation et ses premiers résultats sont ici présentés, en utilisant l'exemple d'une comète de moyenne activité. Cette première application démontre le potentiel de cette approche pour aller au-delà de l'hypothèse classique d'un vent laminaire en amont de l'obstacle. …


3) Characteristic scales of magnetic switchback patches near Sun and their possible association with solar supergranulation and granulation

Naïs Fargette - IRAP (PhD student)


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Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data recorded within a heliocentric radial distance of 0.3~AU have revealed a magnetic field dominated by Alfvénic structures that undergo large local variations or even reversals of the radial magnetic field. They are called magnetic switchbacks, they are consistent with folds in magnetic field lines within a same magnetic sector, and are associated with velocity spikes during an otherwise calmer background. They are thought to originate either in the low solar …


4) Magnetism of the quiet Sun internetwork

Marianne Faurobert - University Cote d'Azur (Professor)


Small-scale magnetic fields in the quiet Sun have been shown to contain in total more flux than active regions and represent an important reservoir of magnetic energy. But the origin and evolution of these fields still remain largely unknown. We present a study of the solar-cycle and center-to-limb variations of the magnetic-flux structures at small scales in the solar internetwork. We used Hinode SOT/Spectropolarimetric data from the irradiance program  from 2008 to 2016 and applied …


5) Evidence for magnetic reconnection at the boundaries of magnetic switchbacks in the solar wind

Clara Froment - LPC2E (chercheuse CNRS)

Invited Talk

The first encounters of Parker Solar Probe (PSP) with the Sun revealed the presence of ubiquitous localised magnetic deflections, “switchbacks” in the inner heliosphere. We present the first direct piece of evidence for magnetic reconnection occurring at the boundaries of three switchbacks crossed by PSP at a distance of 45 to 48 solar radii to the Sun during its first encounter. Analysing the magnetic field and plasma parameters from the FIELDS and SWEAP instruments, we …


6) Electromagnetic electron hole generation: theory, PIC simulations and comparison to observations

Gaetan GAUTHIER - Laboratoire de Physique des Plasma (PhD student)


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Recent MMS observations (e.g. [Holmes et al, 2018, Steinvall et al., 2019]) exploring various regions of the magnetosphere have found solitary potential structures call Electron phase-space Hole (EH). These structures have kinetic scale (dozens of Debye lengths) and persist during long time (dozens of plasma frequency periods). EH are characterized by a bipolar electric field parallel to ambient magnetic field and fastly propagate along this latter (a few tenths of speed light). We have created …


7) Spectral evolution of Alfvénic turbulence

Roland Grappin - LPP (Polytechnique) - Observatoire de Paris (Senior scientist)


We compared the free decay of spectral evolution during ten nonlinear times, successively with and without expansion, in the quasi-incompressible limit. In this case one has two separated cascades, resp. for the dominant energy (Alfvén waves coming from the Sun) and sub-dominant one (reflected waves). Results are as follows.

(1) Without expansion we find the when the ratio $b_{rms}/B_0$ is not too small, the system adopts rapidly the Alfvénic version of the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan phenomenology (weak …


8) Solar Orbiter VGAM1: Overview of MAG, EPD and RPW in-situ observations

Lina Hadid - LPP/CNRS - Évole Polytechnique

Invited Talk

L. Z. Hadid, RPW, MAG, EPD and teams

On December 27, 2020, Solar Orbiter completed its first gravity assist manoeuvre of Venus (VGAM1). While this flyby was performed to provide the spacecraft with sufficient velocity to get closer to the Sun and observe its poles from progressively higher inclinations, the Radio and Plasma Wave (RPW) consortium, along with other operational in-situ instruments, such as the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) and the Magnetometer (MAG), had the …


9) Statistical Relationship Between Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions and the Helicity Sign of Flux Transfer

Rungployphan Kieokaew - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (Postdoctoral researcher)


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The Earth's near-space environment is very dynamic with transient phenomena triggered by interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetopause. The solar wind carries along an interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) whose orientation determines the dynamics of the interaction. When the IMF is southward, magnetic reconnection can be triggered at the Earth's magnetopause on the dayside. A flux transfer event (FTE) is a transient portal that allows the bursty transfer of solar wind into the …


10) Solar observations with the Nancay Radioheliograph in support of the Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe missions

Karl-Ludwig Klein - Observatoire de Paris (Astronome)


The Nançay Radioheliograph is dedicated to imaging the solar corona at decimetre-to-metre wavelengths. The imaged structures are the quiet corona, through thermal bremsstrahlung, and bright collective emissions due to electrons accelerated in quiescent, flaring and eruptive active regions. The instrument produced nearly daily maps of the Sun between 1996 and 2015, at several frequencies in the 150-450 MHz range with sub-second cadence. The observations were stopped in 2015 for a major technical upgrade through the …


11) First observations and performance of the RPW instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter mission

Milan Maksimovic - LESIA & CNRS, Paris Observatory-PSL (Senior scientist)


We will review the very latest observations and results obtained by the Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on the recently launched Solar Orbiter mission. RPW is designed to measure in-situ magnetic and electric fields and waves from 'DC' to a few hundreds of kHz. RPW is also capable of measuring solar radio emissions up to 16 MHz and link them to solar flares observed by the onboard remote sensing instruments. These latest results concern …


12) How will solar magnetism evolve in the future?

Quentin Noraz - Département d’Astrophysique/AIM, CEA/IRFU, CNRS/INSU, Univ. Paris-Saclay, Univ. de Paris, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France (PhD student)


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Authors: Q. Noraz, A.S. Brun,  A. Strugarek


The solar magnetic field is generated and sustained through an internal dynamo. In stars, this process is determined by the combined action of turbulent convective motions and the differential rotation profile. It can sometimes lead to magnetic cyclic variabilities, like in the Sun with the 11 years cycle. Traces of magnetic cycles have been detected for other solar-like stars as well, ranging from a few years to …


13) Using WL and UV data to validate a 3D MHD solar global model

Susanna Parenti - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Dr.)


The 3D MHD modeling is a powerful tool to investigate the physical process responsible for the formation and evolution of the heliosphere and the solar wind. To fully understand the role of each physical ingredient making the model correct, we need a validation process where the output from the simulations are compared to the data.
In this work, we present the results from the validation process of a global 3D MHD modeling of the solar …


14) The Dynamo-Wind Feedback Loop: Characterizing how the solar wind varies along a dynamo cycle

Barbara Perri - KU Leuven (Postdoc)


B. Perri (1), A. S. Brun (2), A. Strugarek (2), V. Réville (3) 

(1) CmPA, KU Leuven (2) AIM, CEA (3) IRAP

Though generated deep inside the convection zone, the solar magnetic field has a direct impact on the Earth space environment via various mechanisms. In particular, it strongly modulates the solar wind in the whole heliosphere: observations have shown that the 11-year cycle created by the dynamo inside the Sun affects the latitudinal speed …


15) Analyse multi-échelle d’un vent solaire Alfvénique. Premières observations du Proton Alfa Sensors (PAS) de Solar Orbiter.Philippe LOUARN, André FEDOROV, IRAP-CNRSSWA et MAG TEAM

Louarn Philippe - IRAP-CNRS (Senior scientist)

Invited Talk

En utilisant les fonctions de distribution 3D mesurées par PAS/SWA, jusqu’à  une cadence de 4 Hz en mode Burst, un exemple de vent solaire lent Alfvénique est analysé. La turbulence observée est caractérisée par une corrélation remarquable entre les fluctuations magnétiques (B) et de vitesse (V), jusqu'aux échelles de dissipation. Ce vent solaire est fortement anisotrope, la pression parallèle dominant la perpendiculaire (Ppara/Pperp ~ 1,5-2,5. L’anisotropie est due à la présence d’une ‘queue’ plus énergétique, …


16) MHD modeling of Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter encounters

Victor Réville - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (Postdoc)


Global MHD models of the corona and solar wind are a key tool for the interpretation of the new generation of inner heliospheric spacecraft's data. They can be used as a self-consistent framework to validate both the sources of the solar wind plasma measured in situ by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter and a given theory of the solar wind birth and acceleration. Over the past decade, several Alfvén wave turbulence driven MHD models …


17) Measuring elemental abundances with over half of EIS/Hinode observations

Natalia Zambrana Prado - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Postdoc)


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In certain structures of the solar corona such as active regions for example we see an enhancement in the abundances of elements with a low First Ionization Potential or low FIP elements. This is known as the FIP effect. Because this is taking place only in some structures and because we also see these abundance enhancements in the solar wind, the FIP effect can allow us to trace back the source of heliospheric plasma. Elemental …