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Il y a un total de 13 posters.

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Échappement thermique des électrons à l'intérieur du Soleil

Véronique Bommier - Observatoire de Paris (Senior scientist)

Poster 1

Les observations du vecteur champ magnétique dans la photosphère solaire révèlent de manière générale une valeur non-nulle de la divergence: on trouve un gradient vertical de l'ordre de 3 G/km pour la composante verticale du champ, non compensé par le gradient horizontal de la composante horizontale qui n'est, lui, que de 0.3 G/km (quelle que soit la résolution). Il faut alors rappeler que la quantité que l'on mesure par effet Zeeman est le champ magnétique H, qui est relié à l'induction magnétique B (à divergence nulle) par la relation B=µ0(H+M), où M est l'aimantation ("magnetization" en anglais). Dans les plasmas …


Plasma diagnostic measurements for linear to weakly non-linear plasma response: application to Mutual Impedance experiments and Relaxation Sounders

Luca Bucciantini - LPC2E/CNRS (doctorant)

Poster 2


Plasma diagnostic measurements for linear to weakly non-linear plasma response: application to Mutual Impedance experiments and Relaxation Sounders

Bucciantini L.(1), Henri P.(1,2), Wattieaux G. (3),

(1)LPC2E, CNRS, Univ. Orléans, OSUC, CNES, Orléans +33 (0)2 38 25 51 26, [email protected]

(2)Lagrange, OCA, UCA, CNRS, Nice, +33 (0)4 92 00 39 74, [email protected]

(3)LAPLACE ,CNRS, Univ. Toulouse, Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 55 75 90, [email protected]

Keywords: Langmuir waves, non-linearity, mutual impedance probe, relaxation sounder, full-kinetic simulations, instrumental response prediction, plasma diagnostics.


Relaxation sounder experiments and mutual impedance experiments are popular plasma diagnostic techniques for the determination of characteristic plasma parameters: …


Solar Wind Angular Momentum / Heating the Solar Atmosphere

Adam Finley - CEA Paris-Saclay (Postdoc)

Poster 3

The rate at which the solar wind extracts angular momentum from the Sun has been predicted by theoretical models for many decades, and yet we lack a conclusive measurement from in-situ spacecraft. Here I present recent analysis (performed during my PhD under the supervision of Sean P. Matt at the University of Exeter) of the solar wind angular momentum flux from Parker Solar Probe, and I outline my current efforts in performing a multi-spacecraft analysis taking observations from both Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter at different radial distances. In addition, I present some new and ongoing research that I …


Forward modelling of solar flare emissions in the Solar Orbiter era

Bahaeddine Gannouni - IRFU /DAp CEA (Student)

Poster 4

B. Gannouni1, R. F. Pinto1, A. Strugarek1

1 Département d’Astrophysique/AIM, CEA/IRFU, CNRS/INSU, Univ. Paris-Saclay & Univ. de Paris, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Solar flares consist of episodes of intense EUV and X-ray emission that follow from quick releases of energy stored in coronal structrures with complex magnetic fields. Twisted magnetic flux-ropes are likely to play a central role in the triggering and evolution of solar flares, as they are susceptible to develop instabilities leading to quick energy releases in the form of strong coronal plasma heating and of particle acceleration. The interdependence between the large scale …


Predicting the height of the solar cycle 25 through polar regions activity

Serge Koutchmy - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris CNRS et Sorbonne Université (Directeur de recherche émérite)

Poster 5

Serge Koutchmy (1), Ehsan Tavabi (2), Jacques-Clair Noëns (3), Odile Wurmser (3), Jaime Vilinga (4) and Boris Filippov (5)
(1) IAP - CNRS and Sorbonne Univ. ; (2) Tabriz Univ. RI ; (3) OA Association PdM Obs. ; (4) Estado
Major-General das FAA, Luanda, Angola ; (5) Pushkov IZMIRAN , Russia

The prediction of the height of the forthcoming solar activity cycle (expressed by the Sunspot Number SN) is since 2019 the subject of many studies. They are mainly based on statistical and/or mathematical and/or Heuristic methods, taking parameters from the analysis of past cycles; they leaded to a ?predicted? …


Observations of the Initial phase of CMEs through the Polarimetric W-LCoronagraphy

Serge Koutchmy - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris CNRS et Sorbonne Université (Directeur de recherche émérite)

Poster 6

“Observation of the Initial Phase of CMEs through the Polarimetric W-L Coronagraphy”


Serge Koutchmy (1), Serge Rochain (2), François Sèvre (1), Jacques-Clair Noëns (2), Frederic Pitout (3), Claude Aime (4) and Boris Filippov (5)

(1) IAP- CNRS and Sorbonne Univ. (2) Association des O.A., Obs. Pic du Midi

(3) IRAP - Univ. Toulouse 3/ CNRS ; (4) Nice Univ. Sophia Antipolis/ CNRS, UMR7293 ,

(5) Pushkov IZMIRAN, Fedération Russia

Abstract: The next few decades will see the development of new facilities to support coronal mass ejection (CME) observations that are the critical part of the space weather. CMEs, radiations …


Electron acceleration driven by the lower-hybrid-drift instability: an extended quasilinear model in support to the BepiColombo mission

Federico Lavorenti - Lagrange, OCA, Nice (PhD student)

Poster 7

Density inhomogeneities are ubiquitous in space and astrophysical plasmas, in particular at contact boundaries between different media. They often correspond to regions that exhibits strong dynamics on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Indeed, density inhomogeneities are a source of free energy that can drive various instabilities such as, for instance, the lower-hybrid-drift instability which in turn transfers energy to the particles through wave-particle interactions and eventually heats the plasma. The goal of our work is to quantify the efficiency of the lower-hybrid-drift instability to accelerate and/or heat electrons parallel to the ambient magnetic field. To reach this …


Interhemispheric asymmetry of the equatorial ionization anomaly in the African sector over 3 years

Amal LOUTFI - IRAP/LPHEA (PhD student)

Poster 8

The electron density in the topside ionosphere recorded by the Langmuir probes on board the Swarm satellites have been systematically analyzed to determine the climatology of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA). The annual variation of the electron density in low- and mid-latitude topside ionosphere at different local time sectors show slower electron densities during nighttime than daytime. During the day, the ionospheric density starts to increase at mid-latitudes, with a single crest between 8 LT and 12 LT. It is also noticeable that the double crest structure is clearly present between 12LT …


Energetic particles and the solar cycle: Impact of solar magnetic field amplitude and geometry on SEPs and GCRs diffusion coefficients

Barbara Perri - KU Leuven (Postdoc)

Poster 9

SEPs are correlated with the 11-year solar cycle due to their production by flares and interaction with the inner heliosphere, while GCRs are anti-correlated with it due to the modulation of the heliospheric magnetic field. The solar magnetic field along the cycle varies in amplitude but also in geometry, causing diffusion of the particles along and across the field lines; the solar wind distribution also evolves, and its turbulence affects particle trajectories.

We combine 3D MHD compressible numerical simulations to compute the configuration of the magnetic field and the associated polytropic solar wind up to 1 AU, with analytical prescriptions …


Flux-rope emergence in global dynamo simulations: towards coupling the convection zone to the solar atmosphere

Rui Pinto - LDE3, DAp/AIM, CEA, Univ. Paris-Saclay

Poster 10

R. F. Pinto1, Q. Noraz1, A. S. Brun1, V. Archontis2, A. Borissov2

1 Département d’Astrophysique/AIM, CEA/IRFU, CNRS/INSU, Univ. Paris-Saclay & Univ. de Paris, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
2 School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, UK

Twisted magnetic flux-ropes play an extremely important role on the dynamics of the surface of the Sun and of the corona across a wide range of scales. They contribute to the formation of active regions, to the triggering of flares and CME, and to the renewal of …


Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the Earth’s magnetospheric cusps around equinox

Frédéric Pitout - Irap (UT3/CNRS/Cnes) (Astronomer)

Poster 11

There are many reasons that may explain why the two Earth’s magnetospheric cusps display interhemispheric asymmetries in their location, dynamics, or properties. Among these reasons are the tilt angle of the magnetic axis, the difference in insolation of the two ionospheres, and asymmetries in the solar wind penetration processes. In this study, we present an event of simultaneous observations of the northern and southern mid-altitude polar cusps by the Polar spacecraft and Cluster fleet that may shed light of this matter. We examine the possible asymmetries in the fields and plasma parameters, although the proximity of the equinox should …


The NAROO digitization center

Vincent Robert - IMCCE - Paris Observatory / IPSA (Teacher-Researcher)

Poster 12

The New Astrometric Reduction of Old Observations NAROO center is built at Paris Observatory, Meudon, and is dedicated to the measurement of astro-photographic plates and the analysis of old observations. The NAROO digitizer consists of a granite based Newport-Microcontrol open frame air-bearing XY positioning table, a scientific sCMOS camera, and a telecentric optical system. The plate holder assembly is suited for mounting glass plates up to 350-mm square. The machine positioning stability is better than 15 nm, its repeatability is better than 40 nm. With real photographic plate data, we are able to produce measurements with an accuracy better than …


L’étude de l’ionosphère supérieur durant trois tempêtes intenses 17-18 mars, 22-23 juin, 7-8 octobre 2015 par les données des satellites Swarm

khalil zyane - FSSM/ cadi ayad (PhD student)

Poster 13

Il est connu que la compréhension des comportements de l’ionosphère Terrestre durant les tempêtes géomagnétiques et surtout l’origine des orages positives (augmentation de densité électronique Ne par rapport au calme) et négatives (diminution de Ne par rapport au calme) représente une tâche importante à accomplir en météorologie de l’espace. Dans ce cadre nous avons comparés les données de densité électronique Ne et de densité des neutres Dn fournis par les trois satellites SWARM, durant trois tempêtes géomagnétiques intenses 17-18 mars, 22-23 juin, 7-8 octobre 2015 à celles des jours calmes dans le but de comprendre les origines des orages positives …